Fumigators from bedbugs

Fumigators have proven to be an effective insect repellent. The device is easy to use, when connected, toxic fumes are released, safe for humans and pets, but poisonous against pests. The bedbug fumigator works on the same principle and is able to provide short-term protection against blood-sucking parasites.

Efficiency of application

By type of use, devices are divided into pyrotechnic: spirals, smoke bombs and electrical. The electric fumigator from bedbugs can be in 3 variations:

  • liquid aerosol;
  • pills;
  • plates.

In apartments and houses often use devices that operate on the network. When heated plate emit an unpleasant smell for bed bugs. It is impossible to destroy them in this way, but it is quite possible to protect oneself from night attacks for a short period of time, provided that the parasites do not live directly In the bedbedding.


On a note!

Given the low efficacy against creeping bloodsucking insects, bedbug plates are not produced.

Among the fumigators that can be used from bedbugs, it is worth highlighting the following popular tools:

  • Raid;
  • Moskitol (Mosquitall);
  • Fumitoks;
  • Raptor.


When we drove into a rented apartment, it turned out that in addition to us there are other guests - bedbugs. Experiment with folk remedies did not order sanitation processing, but the circumstances were such that a disinsection could be carried out only after 3 days.We decided to try the raptor fumigator from bedbugs, which we usually use to scare away mosquitoes. Of the plates were available only with chamomile extract, so there was not much to choose. The device is connected near the bed. Oddly enough, but bedbugs bites there was no more, and the fumigator helped us survive these three days.

Nikolay, Moscow

New Raptor

Aquaphumigator Raptor from bedbugs - the latest development of employees of a famous brand for the destruction of all types of insects. It is a set of metal and plastic container, a bag of water. Inside the metal tank are chemicals. The active ingredient is the new generation insecticide, cyphenothrin, which has a destructive effect on the insect's nervous system.


The composition also includes calcium oxide, when in contact with water, heat is generated and steam is formed. Thanks to this, insecticides penetrate the most hard-to-reach places, where bugs can dwellthat allows you to instantly destroy the entire population.

The price of a fumigator for Raptor bugs varies in the range of 550-600 rubles.One device is enough for processing the premises of 30 square meters. m

On a note!

The tool helps to get rid of adults and their larvaebut does not affect egg-laying. Therefore, after 2-3 weeks after the first disinsection, re-treatment is necessary.

Terms of use fumigator Raptor

Instructions for use of the fumigator from bedbugs placed on the package. Preliminary need prepare the apartment for processing. With strict adherence to manufacturers' instructions, the collection and installation of a destructive device will take just a few minutes:

  1. In the room in which the disinsection is made, there should not be food, pets, people.
  2. Pour the water into a plastic container and place a metal container into it.
  3. Install an aqua disinfectant from bedbugs on a flat surface in the center of the room or near beds.
  4. Close the windows and leave the room for 2-3 hours.
  5. After processing, ventilate the apartment, house.
Akvafumigator Raptor
Akvafumigator Raptor

Reviews of an aqua-fumigator Raptor from bedbugs confirm its effectiveness against adult parasites.


I got a device to get rid of bedbugs in the apartment. Bribed ease of use - no need to do anything: prepare the solution, then treat them flat. The fumigator does everything himself. Insects disappeared after the first treatment, but to be safe, bought another device. With confidence, you can bring aqua disinfectant in list of the most effective remedies for bedbugs.

Olga, Vitebsk

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