Forest bugs

All the bugs that live on planet Earth, and there are more than 40 thousand species, belong to the order of hemiptera. Among the variety species of bedbugs cruciferous, freshwater, arboreal and parasitic. One of the representatives of the insect sub-order is the forest bug - an insect safe for humans.Most often you can meet him during a walk in the lap of nature, and it causes a storm of negative emotions.

General characteristics of forest bugs

Features of the appearance of the bug are determined by the habitat. The insect is perfectly masked by the color of foliage or bark, so in nature you can find individuals that have a color ranging from bright green to brown. His body has a specific wide flat shape, which resembles an irregular pentagon. Forest bugs or shinniki mainly live in forests and in their vicinity. With the onset of cold weather, they hibernate and hibernate under fallen leaves or climb under the bark of old trees.

Forest bug
Forest bug

The insect has a long sharp proboscis, with which it pierces the surface of grassy plants or the bark of young trees and sucks the sap from them. Solid chitinous shell covering the body of the bug performs a protective function. Beneath it are webbed thin wings. All forest bugs have two pairs of them. The front ones are more durable due to the fact that they are half solid and leathery and therefore serve as protection for thin, webbed hind wings.Insects are able to overcome a considerable distance, although they have to fly very rarely. Long antennae are located on the head of the bug, and on the chest - odorous glands.

Important! All types of forest bugs have a characteristic, very unpleasant smell.

After hibernation (April-May), insects move to places where there is enough available food for them. What feeds on forest bugs will not be difficult to determine, since their accumulation in the places of growth of young trees and first greens is the greatest. The main food for them is vegetable juice. Insects breed new offspring in close proximity to feeding places. With favorable temperature conditions, the female can lay eggs twice per season, placing them on the inner side of the leaves. The number of masonry reaches 100 pieces. Forest bug on the photo presented on special sites, you can consider carefully, as the image increases many times. Their development lasts about 15 days, after which the first generation of larvae emerge, and immediately begins to feed. Sucking the sap from the plants, they inject poison into them, which causes the foliage to wilt.In its development, the larva goes through five stages. An adult insect has a body length of approximately 15 mm.

Forest Eggs
Forest Eggs

On the territory of Russia mostly lives green forest bug, which is also called wood bug. Insect has a unique ability to change its color. In the spring, it is masked as the color of the first green and therefore has a bright green tint. During the summer, brown spots appear on the chitinous armor. By the end of autumn a brown forest bug appears in the forest, merging with the fallen foliage. This allows him to become inconspicuous and thus defend himself against enemies.
All street flying bugs, and this includes the green insect, cause significant damage to the surrounding nature. They are mostly harmless to people except predatorsthat feed on the blood of animals and humans. They bite people less often than bed bugs, but dangerous because they are carriers of serious diseases. Looks like a forest bug and its relatives can be seen in the photo.

Characteristic smell of a forest bug

In the presence of danger, forest bugs begin to spread a characteristic, incomparable, unpleasant smell.This explains its popular name - stink bug. Special glands, located on the abdomen, produce a secret containing cimicin acid, which gives it a specific smell. The substance produced is toxic to other insects, but harmless to humans. Scientists suggest that the unpleasant odor is not only for scaring, but also to attract a partner.

Forest bug - pest

Bugs in the forest, except for an unpleasant smell and unsightly appearance, can be considered that they do not harm a person anymore. But among them are the shields, which attack agricultural land and can cause significant harm to the farm. Settling on plant shoots, forest bug, or as it is called garden bugpiercing a young stem or leaf, drinks all the juice from them. He injects poison into them, leading to the death of young shoots. There may be insects in the garden. The reason for this invasion is a sharp drop in temperature or forest fires, and then the hordes of insects, in search of food, move to gardens. The most common bugs settle on raspberries and gooseberries.They not only result in raspberries in complete disrepair, leaving their smell on the berries, but sometimes they eat them.

Forest bug
Forest bug

Interesting! Raspberry bug is used in folk medicine for the manufacture of vodka tinctures from alcoholism. The bitter taste of the drug causes disgust and non-perception of alcoholic beverages.

Leaving habitual habitat, forest bugs may be in the dwelling of man. This mainly occurs at the end of summer, when temperature and humidity can change dramatically. Therefore, in search of comfort, insects rush closer to humans.

Effective ways to deal with forest bugs

There are many different ways to solve the problem of how to get rid of forest bugs who settled in the garden or caught in a city apartment. It is much easier to deal with them than with bloodsuckers. Destruction of insects in the garden, it is advisable to start with the popular recipes to successfully solve the problem. You can do the following:

  • Try to collect all adult parasites by hand and remove their larvae from the leaves;
  • Prepare the infusion on the basis of onion peel or mustard powder and spray them with plants 2-3 times a day;
    Funds from forest bugs
    Funds from forest bugs
  • Dissolve two pieces of soap in ten liters of water and process garden crops;
  • To scare away forest aliens, it is advisable to plant a plant called black cohosh in the area. It discourages insects and prevents them from entering the site.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to collect all the fallen leaves on the site and destroy them in order to prevent the forest bug from cozily hibernating.

If all the measures taken did not bring the desired result and the forest bug continues to harm berry and vegetable crops, then we can resort to extreme measures - the use of chemicals. The most effective in this case are:

  • Chlorophos;
  • Dichlorvos;
  • Phosphamide.

All of these drugs are available for sale in stores in Moscow or other localities. Processing must be carried out using personal protective equipment.

If forest bugs are found in an apartment, then experts do not recommend using potent toxic chemicals or calling a special service in order to get rid of them.To prevent the invasion of insects, you can install mosquito nets on the windows. A large insect will not be able to penetrate a reliable barrier. Insects do not settle in a city apartment forever. They soon return to their natural habitat. Therefore, having found a forest dweller in an apartment, you should just collect them and throw them out the window, without forgetting to close it tightly. Insects are not dangerous to humans, but they can disrupt the usual way of life, and sometimes harm the indoor plants.

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Bed bugs

