Remedies for moles in the summer cottage and garden

Moles, so sweet and harmless in appearance, are a threat to the garden. This can lead to a complete loss of the future harvest and all efforts, hard work will be in vain, since family of moles He digs up the whole earth and destroys all the roots, plants, trees and bushes. Therefore, people have to get rid of them, using various means of moles.

Many people are happy to spend their free time working at their summer cottage, in the garden or garden. Planting vegetables, berry bushes and fruit trees, and then getting a crop of environmentally friendly products is a great reward for your work. Clean air, birds singing in the morning, leisurely, measured way of life, work in the garden until noon. When the heat subsides, watering of all planted crops begins. Such beauty and tranquility. Smooth beds, weeding. But all this idyll is suddenly broken due to the emerged hills of dug earth. They bring some chaos in the general view of the entire site. At first, it does not occur to anyone that their own territory is settled down by uninvited neighbors. And these guests are moles, pests that are not so easy to handle.

Mole on the site - friend or foe?

The question is simple, but it is definitely impossible to answer it. These unusual underground animals can not quite be considered pests.They appear in areas with chernozem soils that are well moistened and rich in food. Moles feed on earthworms, insect larvae, pests of vegetable crops Bearsthey eat beetles and even mice. They have a wonderful appetite, so they can eat as much food per day as they weigh themselves.

In addition to the destruction of pests, moles make long underground tunnels and passages, enrich the soil with air. Constantly moving underground, moles loosen the earth, improving its quality. This is a positive feature of this neighborhood. But breaking through the paws of the tunnels, they damage the roots of plants in their path, which leads to the death of plantations. Therefore, it is just necessary to get rid of moles in order to preserve the crop using different means.


In just one day, a mole can dig 20 underground feed (not very deep 3-5 cm) and constant, reaching a depth of 20 cm, moves. He throws away the excess earth to the surface, eventually forming mounds. If moles are bred on the territory of a private or country house, connoisseurs of ideal lawns, beautiful flower beds, and tennis courts can say goodbye to perfect beauty.To restore it will have to spend a lot of money.

Methods of struggle

Mole Control Techniques
Mole Control Techniques

The man came up with no way to wage war with these animals. Some of them are more humane, others are too cruel. Each of the methods is acceptable under certain conditions and conditions. Means for fighting moles are divided into the following types:

  • physical;
  • scaring;
  • biological;
  • chemical;
  • mechanical.

The main problem lies only in the fact that no one can say with certainty which best remedy for moles exists in today's practice. In each case, the owner must take the right decision personally for his dacha plot or garden. Let us consider in more detail the methods and means mentioned.


They belong to the most cruel ways of struggle. When the moles cause significant damage to the household, there is no place for warm feelings. I want to quickly get rid of this misfortune, for this all the methods are good. The most effective remedies for moles are physical. They involve the use of traps, Mole trapsfishing hooks. These include:

  • plunger traps, resembling a vice;
  • harpoon devices equipped with sharp pins;
  • wire moles, working as a noose;
  • ordinary mousetrap effective and for the destruction of moles.

There are other types of such devices. They are easy to use and fairly cheap. True, foreign analogues can be very expensive.

About fishing hooks, as a means of struggle, do not even want to talk. This method is the most traumatic for the pest and cruel. It causes great pain to moles due to the fact that the hooks, digging into the body, tear off the skin and muscles of the animal. But the worst thing is that the wounded animal still have to finish off with his own hands.

The trap against the moles
The trap against the moles

All of these products from moles lead to the death of the animal. Therefore, you need to think carefully before deciding to use such a tool. The animals are not to blame for the fact that our roads so unexpectedly intersected in one place, and people were not able to peacefully coexist on a common territory.


Last year, a mole was bred in our garden. So much spoiled seedlings! Well, I would have dug myself somewhere else, so not the same. Only you will land strong bushes, and in some days they already lie on the ground. Neighbors suggested that you can use a regular mousetrap.We listened to their advice, placed this device near one of the holes, disguised it so that the cautious mole should not bypass the mousetrap side, and waited. A few days later our pest caught. On the one hand, we are glad that the problem is gone, but the mole is pitiful. Killed by mousetrap. After that, we decided that if such an animal starts up again in the garden, we will fight it with other methods and means.

Oksana, Yekaterinburg


One of the most environmentally friendly methods used against moles is scaring. It can be expressed in action through smell or sound (vibration). Moles are born blind, therefore, in order to survive, they are endowed with a sensitive ear and a delicate sense of smell. If the habitat becomes uncomfortable for them, then the animals leave the habitable place.

The most positive in this method is that you do not need to destroy these animals physically and bury their remains. Moles do not like strong smells and sounds. Therefore, the repellent from moles in the garden or summer cottage is odorous substances or devices that produce noise.

One of the drawbacks of scaring is thatthat no one gives an absolute guarantee of the effectiveness of the result. The animal can simply lay low, waiting for the discomfort that people create for him. And the owners will believe that the deterrent from moles in the country worked perfectly and forever rid of unwanted neighborhood.

The first results from the action of the repeller on the site may appear only after a few weeks. If the neighbors also attempted to free their territory from the invasion of moles and, using some of the scaring tools, achieved success, then the chances of winning using the same methods will increase significantly.

Types of scarers

To control pests apply several types of devices and methods. The most commonly used are:

  • Electronic devices. They create a sound or ultrasound that can scare away moles, and accompanied in the device by vibration. They give a positive result if the devices are of high quality. In this case, their cost is high. Even a device with an average power, located in the middle of the site, will not allow moles to live in peace within a radius of 10 meters. The impact on animals is constantly, until the batteries are exhausted.Replacing the power supply extends the device for the required period.
  • Homemade home-made. These are all kinds of pinwheels, weathercocks, bottles buried in the garden, which make ringing, creaking, and humming sounds in the wind. If the fixture is technically correctly executed, then it can be quite effective in controlling pests.
  • Just loud music. Constantly working radio, the sound of an electric saw, a mowing machine, a water spray installation can all scare away moles and make them leave.
  • Sometimes even the reed, which is stuck in the moles' moves, helps. During windy weather, the stems begin to buzz, causing discomfort among underground inhabitants.

All these tools and methods are very easy to use for any amateur gardener. The positive thing here is that you do not have to contact directly with the animals. Everything works by itself and protects against the onslaught of moles from neighboring territories. True, not always effective.

Types of scarers
Types of scarers

The following models hit the rating of the best repellers:

  • Prom-Pro M (Russia). Made in the form of a cylinder height of 415 mm. Install the device into the ground.Batteries (4pcs) are able to ensure continuous operation of the device for 4-6 months. The average cost is 2200 rubles.
  • Remiling terminator AN-A309. Made in China, the device works on 4 batteries, its radius is 625 square meters. m. It is completely safe and harmless to animals. For its products, the manufacturer gives 1 year warranty. Price repeller 900 rubles.
  • Tornado OZV 01 (Russia). Vibroseismic effect on animals in a radius of 1000 square meters. m. The price of the device - 1050 rubles.
  • Ecosniper LS-997M info-sound mole repeller (Taiwan). The body of a cylindrical device made of plastic is lowered into the ground near the mole holes. The device emits beeps in which the moles hear danger and leave the territory. The device operates in a radius of 100 square meters. m. Cost device Ekosniper makes 1750 rub.


Just a great device. I have a plot of 7 acres. The actions of one repeller is enough. The only drawback - every month you need to buy batteries, the cost of which is pretty decent.

Elena, Ivanovo

The disadvantage of electronic sound repellents can be considered their high price, ranging from 500 to 5,000 rubles.And home-made devices, located throughout the site, give it a cluttered and not quite aesthetic look.

If the choice is on electronic devices, then it is better to choose devices that generate different frequencies, change the duration and frequency of radiation, and also create mechanical vibration. These conditions are necessary so that the moles cannot get used to the stimulus.


Moles in the country completely tormented us this summer. Subtracted on the Internet about e-scarers. We decided to buy a couple of these devices, because we didn’t want extra trouble. They are simple and unpretentious to use. Placed around the perimeter and in the middle of the garden. The first week nothing happened. Moles both dug and continued to dig. We already thought that they had fooled us with the instrumentals. Does not work. But after two weeks, the moles disappeared somewhere and no longer bothered us. We are so pleased with the result that we advise everyone to buy these devices, you will not regret.

Marina, Krasnodar

Odors deterrent

Mole Control
Mole Control

Since moles are highly sensitive to strong odors, this is their weak point used to scare away and remove pests from the garden or summer cottage.These tools are not as effective as electronic devices, as they quickly disappear, their effectiveness decreases, but they are affordable.

The smell of lavender is unpleasant to moles, so the German Detia can be used to solve this problem. Alphos tablets emit phosphine gas, in contact with wet soil, it repels animals. By the same principle, carbide is used by the people, but with this tool you need to be very careful. This mixture of substance and water, emitting acetylene gas, can easily explode and cause many troubles.


To combat the moles, people even use rotten fish heads, feces, spirits, turpentine, dead bodies of dead animals, onion peel. But they need to bury more than once and do it systematically, only then you can get some kind of result. It is unlikely that every gardener will have enough patience for these actions. In addition, such smells can cause discomfort among the owners themselves and the desire to visit the cottage disappears.

It is better to plant around the perimeter of the garden or between the beds of the plant, which are considered to be the protectors from moles. These include:

  • garlic, onions, daffodils;
  • marigold;
  • black beans;
  • castor oil;
  • hazel grouse imperial.

In practical life, they help very little. Often the planting of these plants is decorative.


The best and most tested means of any unwanted neighborhood on your site are four-legged friends - cats and dogs. They are happy to chase and destroy moles and mice that appear in the territory they control. This is the most environmentally friendly weapon in the fight against uninvited guests. Even those who do not want to keep any animals in the country, it is recommended to feed a pair of stray cats. They will faithfully work out their food and the owners of summer cottages will not have to lose part of the grown crop.


We have a long dacha. But in recent years, moles have simply become a real disaster. They ate most of the potatoes, nibbled the roots of apple trees. Despite the fact that we have a smart and hardworking cat, the moles who have chosen our site do not leave it. Salvation came in the form of black beans. We planted them around the perimeter of the site, and the moles disappeared.

Tatyana, Kursk


Mole Chemicals
Mole Chemicals

Everyone knows that modern chemistry has invented a lot toxic agents to combat various pests. Their list is quite impressive:

  1. Poisons Mole moles can be the same means that are used against rats and mice. Earthworms as bait are sprinkled with poison. But it must be remembered that such a method of exterminating pests with inaccurate use harms birds and domestic animals.
  2. Sulfur and insecticidal repellent smoke bombs. They are laid in tunnels dug by moles, closing tight exit holes. Animals go away or die from smoke. This approach is not humane. It also destroys many beneficial inhabitants of the soil: fungi, microorganisms, beneficial insects.
  3. Self-shot. Very dangerous product made by hand. Shoots a mole in a shot at the moment of movement.
  4. Exhaust gas from moles. It is used on the same principle as checkers: the gas is pushed into holes, all the moves and exits are closed tightly. Leads to the death of the animal.
  5. Firecrackers They stun the animal, forcing him to leave his home.

Popular tools:

  • Alfos-KROT +30. Sold in pill form. Getting into the soil, they emit a heavy gas - alphos, capable of destroying and repelling pests.The tablet should be placed in each hole at a depth of 20 cm and placed on top of the ground. Price - 450 rubles.
  • Anti-MOLE. The product is sold in pellets. In the hole lay 15-20 grams of bait, cover with a plate and sprinkled with earth. Having eaten the bait, the animals die. Price - 62 rubles.
  • Dacphosal. Available in tablets. It is a powerful tool for the destruction of moles. The tablet is placed in the hole and tightly closed. It releases gas that destroys pests. The product is dangerous for human health. Cost - 81 rubles.
  • Children (Germany). Made in the form of balls with lavender oil. It helps not only get rid of molesbut also prevent their occurrence. The range of one ball - 1 square. m. They should be placed around the site. To do this, dig a small gap and place the ball to a depth of 20 cm. Price - 1000 rubles.

On a note!

Often, the tunnels are trying to flood with water in order to drive the mole out of the ground. But this leads to a collapse and subsidence of the soil. Too much water may contribute to the formation of small swampy areas.


To block the movement of neighboring moles to their territory, you need to make a barrier of slate, roofing felt, mesh, tightly cobbled boards, trenches with gravel. Thus, you can try to prevent animals from moving freely.

The grid of moles is buried at a depth of 5-10 cm. It is used to prevent animals from digging up the ground and crawling to the surface. But this method is not suitable for a vegetable garden with a large number of beds.

All these devices and facilities can keep incoming guests, but they will not remove or destroy the individuals already living on the site. You need to deal with them with complex measures, only then you can get a lasting positive result and protect your crop from significant losses.

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