Effective means of rodents
- Rat poison
- Folk remedies for rats
- Rat scarer
- Fighting rats
No one will like such neighbors as wild rodents. They stopped living only in private homes. Pests become frequent guests in apartments and can cross from one house to another through sewer pipes. Because of this fight rats in the apartment or home very difficult. Many people are looking for the best remedy for rats and mice. Some opt for store chemicals.Others prefer to use homemade recipes.
Poisons from rodents
Various insecticides are popular. They destroy mice and do not require additional efforts. But the remedy is toxic to humans and pets. Therefore, when applying it is worth adhering to the instructions and protect access to children and cats with dogs with poison.
Poisons for rats divided into three groups:
- Intestinal. They enter the body with bait and poison the animal.
- Contact. They burn airways and cause burns.
- Fumigants. Get inside through the respiratory tract and cause poisoning.
A chemical agent is laid out where people rarely appear to avoid poisoning.
On a note!
Dead rat remains poisonous. It must be removed in gloves.
In specialized stores the following anti-rodent drugs are found:
- Goliath. The strongest and fastest. It is used by professional fighter rats and mice to disinfect the room.
- Rat death. The drug affects the composition of the blood and causes the animal to go out into the air.
- Krysid. Causes death of the pest within 12 hours. It is applied once every two months.
- Nutcracker.Suitable for use in apartments and does not require the preparation of additional bait.
In order not to poison yourself, preparations for the destruction of rats should be laid out in a mask and gloves. It is advisable to use tweezers, which is then washed and boiled water. The remains of poison and dead pests are buried in the ground to a depth of 50 cm or more.
Home ways
Folk methods against mice and rats are safe for pets and humans, but they are not always able to cope with a large number of rodents. Rats are incredibly smart. If one of the flocks gets caught, the rest of the animals will go around a dangerous place. For effective rodent control need to know What are rats and mice afraid of?.
If mice and rats bred at the neighbors, then you can protect your home with herbs. They will not be able to destroy pests, but they will scare them away from the apartment:
- chamomile;
- tansy;
- sagebrush;
- rather or black root.
Plant these grass from mice and rats around the perimeter of the plot if you live in your home. Residents of apartments can arrange "bouquets" in each room.
On a note!
Essential oil can be used instead of plants. It is dripped into a mug of warm water or use an aroma lamp.
If the creature snuck into the house, then you should act quickly. Prepare a means for the destruction of animals can be one of the following recipes:
- Mix 50 g of flour, 20 g of gypsum and 20 drops of unrefined oil. Next to the bait to put water. The mixture, combining in the stomach with water, will harden and cause the death of the pest.
- Mix 100 g of flour, 100 g of soda, 150 g of sugar. Spread the bait on rat paths. Soda produces gas in the stomach of the rodent, which leads to its death.
- Grind the wood ash into a crumb and fill it with rat passages. The substance corrodes the skin of animals, so they will have to leave the home.
Rodents do not tolerate the smell of man. The ingredients of the home remedy are mixed with a wooden spatula in a clean disposable container.
Ultrasonic Repeller
Device manufacturers claim that rodent ultrasonic repeller safe for humans and can be used both in the apartment and in the country. It produces ultrasonic waves that cause fear and discomfort in small animals and insects.Small mammals can not breed, are restless, lose their appetite. As a result, the pests escape from the house they captured.
On a note!
Electronic control tools affect pets. They are also sensitive to ultrasound.
The most effective scarers are the following:
- Pest Redget, China;
- GRAD A-1000 PRO, Russia;
- Electric boat, Russia;
- Clean house, Russia;
- VK-600, Belgium;
- VK-330, Belgium.
Using the device is safe for humans. But not all brands do the same job. It is better to choose equipment in a specialized store and not to buy the unit "from hands". The device has a drawback - some individuals are able to adapt to the emitted waves.
Humane ways of dealing with rats and mice
Animal safe does not kill rats and mice. It catches pests, and man releases fowl away from his home. With a colony of pests such a method can not cope, but you can get rid of stray rodents.
These methods of struggle include:
- Trapper for catch rats in the house or in non-residential premises. It consists of a wooden base and a cage with a spring door.The trap will shut if the rodent pulls the bait.
- Zurner's trap. It is a cell with a bridge. A rat or mouse, attracted by the bait, runs over a bridge that bends under its weight. The beast falls down, and the bridge rises again.
You can buy these tools from rodents in a specialty store or make a rat trap.
Ultrasonic repeller can also be considered a humane way of getting rid of living creatures. Although he delivers discomfort to animals, he does not kill them.
Reliable means for catching rodents can be made from scrap materials:
- On the wooden surface is a flower pot upside down. Under its base set with a bait rack. The mouse will climb for a delicacy and will be trapped.
- Take a three-liter jar and lubricate it with unrefined oil. Place the container at an angle and put the bait inside: a piece of bacon or cheese. A rat or mouse will climb for food and will not be able to get back. The animal will slide along the walls of the vessel.
Owners of ornamental rats claim that the invasion of mice does not threaten them. This is due interesting fact about mice: mice try not to collide with their fellows. Once she smells the enemy, she will run away and will no longer wish to return.
Rats are rarely baited in a mousetrap. Animals smell the smell of human hands and do not fit the device. But the mouse is easily caught in a trap.
Devices come in several forms:
- Classic. It was invented in 1884 and this mousetrap is still popular. It is worth the animal to reach for food, as the steel shutter slams and kills the animal.
- Sticky. The rodent sticks to the surface where it will cause glue for rats and miceand can not get out. This device is among the most brutal methods of dealing with mice.
- With infrared sensor. Model made in the UK. The animal, running through a mousetrap-tunnel, crosses infrared rays. The trap is slammed and filled with water and carbon dioxide.
On a note!
Zoodefenders oppose this means of struggle in the house with mice. Devices do not always kill the animal instantly and cause him suffering.
Rat Trap Animals
For the destruction of pests using pets. The most famous rat catcher are cats.Predators hunt small animals and quickly destroy them. To the help of baleen resident residents resort to private homes. The kitten should be born to the cat-rat trap. Mother will teach him to search and catch mice.
Cats living in apartments rarely open the hunt. They have enough food and no need to hunt for food. Purebred cats catch the mice most often do not know how. But their owners claim that the cat smell discourages the pests from wanting to settle in the house.
Dogs are great rat catchers. Terriers monitor home security. They are able to quickly find the enemy and kill him with one bite.
Rat-traps include snakes. Runner strangles the victim, and then eats it.
It is difficult to choose the most effective remedy for rats and mice. Everyone chooses for himself the best way to eliminate pests. Some prefer to use store chemicals. Others resort to catching mice using traps. But it is better not to wait for the appearance of uninvited guests and take preventive measures. To do wet cleaning of the room, to fill up cracks in the floors, to prevent the appearance of debris near the entrance.