Midges on the dream book

Sleep is a projection of everything that happens to us during the day. However, sometimes the pictures have nothing to do with day classes. What can foreshadow the midges in a dream? What to expect from such dreams and what to do with this knowledge? Different dream books have different interpretations, sometimes even contradictory.

The dream book, the midges in which are considered something good, pleasant is a great rarity, since almost all of them agree that seeing a midge or other phallus in a dream means problems that can be dealt with more or less success.

To dream of midges means complete immersion in life and routine. It is necessary to remember what exactly the insects did, how many there were.


Short meaning

Any little thing in a dream can make a difference. Small midges in an apartment can dream of such variations:

  • It is necessary to see insects headlong - problems are circling overhead;
  • He dreams that the bloodsucker has sat on his skin - to “battle” with a competitor;
  • Tired of midges - to communicate with annoying people;
  • A swarm of midges entangled in their hair - to heavy thoughts;
  • In a dream, midges bite - small, distracting from the main, problems.


If you believe Miller's dream book, a lot of midges curling around you mean annoying people surrounded. If in a dream midges bite and these bites are felt, you need to be more attentive at work, try to avoid trouble, especially if there are bosses nearby.

If a blood-filled insect is killed, then a long conversation is likely that has neither meaning nor benefit for both parties.

If you dream that you are treating the skin with a means of bloodsuckers, you can be calm - all problems can be solved.

Eastern and Slavic dream books: a symbol of conflict

Insects bite is a fact.It is unpleasant - also a fact. But what can mean the nasal bites in a dream? To find out, you need to turn to the Eastern dream book: midges bites symbolize the need to beware of various situations that could provoke a conflict, because you will not be able to emerge victorious.

Slavic dream book agrees with the East - if you dream midge bitesYou should not succumb to provocations and not allow yourself to argue with someone.

Lunar Dream Book: a projection of the working team

If you are in a dream in the forest, and a swarm of midges is circling above you, you must carefully monitor your actions and words at work. Lunar Dream Book warns that the team can lurk enemies, eager to get your place.

When you dream that the nasal attack on a tent or a room for a summer holiday, you should keep quiet about your plans for a holiday - the likelihood of the "evil eye" waking is great.

Swarm of midges in the forest in a dream
Swarm of midges in the forest in a dream

Personal life

If you have dreamed of midges in large numbers in the house, unpleasant people have appeared in your life, and it will be much more difficult to drive them out than to get rid of the nasal delusions. Dream about insects sitting on the ceiling? We should expect guests who not only do not warn about themselves, but also bring a lot of difficulties and troubles.

When in a dream the house is full of black flies and they are everywhere: in bed, in the ear, in the hair, in the mouth, in all the rooms - personal life risks becoming public. The likelihood of this increases if they or flies also bite the skin on the head.

Will you fight?

You can see insects in a dream in the context of fighting them. According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, planning in a dream the destruction of a humming midge means the need to carefully plan for getting rid of competitors.

A dream in which you chase a midge for the purpose of its destruction is interpreted by an Islamic dream book as follows: the enemy should not be underestimated - this can lead to dire consequences. If the fly dies as a result of the chase - to defeat the enemy, continues to fly - your loss.

Annoying midges

If in a dream it is difficult to kill midges, it means that there are some extortioners in life who cannot be eliminated.

What dreams midges in a dream, crawling on you? Such visions mean empty efforts, wasted efforts.

Often interested in the question, what dreams midges in a dream, flying on me. Most dream books agree that this means exaggerating the importance of interference and obstacles.

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