Blackfly Remedies

Blackflies are insects that often become uninvited guests of our home. Their presence causes not only discomfort, but also tangible harm to a person. Usually pests can be seen in the kitchen: they are planted in fruits, sweets and even indoor flowers. Besides the fact that the midges are able to spoil it all, certain types of pests are dangerous to humans by their bites, as they are carriers of dangerous diseases. Therefore, it is useful to know the means from blackflies, to prevent their spread.

Despite the small gnat life (total day) in the presence of a nutrient medium the insect is able to multiply rapidly. The consequence of this is a whole swarm of flying pests. But before you start fighting with the midges, you need to know their characteristics of their origin and distribution. Most often in the apartment can appear fruit flies (fruit midges) and scyriads (midges that infest the soil). It is important to find a place that is the breeding ground of the pest.

Sources of appearance of midges in the apartment

Midges in the house
Midges in the house

Habitat of small insects are damp rooms and spoiled food. Blackflies can get into the apartment in various ways.

  1. Vegetables or fruits bought on the market or in the store may be infected with insect eggs. In the warmth of them, the larvae appear, begin to grow and multiply.
  2. A gnat, flown through a window by accident, is able to find a suitable place for laying eggs in a decaying fruit, vegetable, used tea bag, clogged sewers and even in cereals.
  3. Inadequate hygiene of the garbage can can also be the cause of the appearance of small blackflies in the house.
  4. The ideal conditions for the midges of the midges are also the cells of pets. They can breed in food residues or in aquarium water, which has not changed for a long time.
  5. One of the reasons for the spread of insects can be indoor plants. Their excessively abundant watering creates a favorable habitat for mushroom mosquitoes - black flies whose the larvae feed plant roots, thereby causing great harm to indoor flowers ..
  6. Blackflies can also appear in the kitchen from the vent.

How to get rid of insects

Finding in the apartment a swarm of flying blackflies, you must:

  • Urgently inspect the places where products are stored;
  • Remove leftovers and crumbs on the table;
  • Keep the dishes, sink and trash clean;
  • Tidy up the home greenhouse: reduce the intensity of irrigation and not pour the used tea brew into the ground, as it is a favorite breeding medium indoor plant pests;
  • It is also necessary to regularly clean the cages of pets.This applies to owners of aquariums, they should not be rotting algae;
  • Periodically clean the sinks in the sinks. To get rid of insect eggs in them, you can use disinfectants or boiling water.

Chemicals against blackflies

One of the methods of controlling flying pests are insecticidal agents.


Blackfly Aerosols
Blackfly Aerosols

The most effective and widely used chemical agents for getting rid of the midges in the apartment are Kombat, Raid and Dichlorvos aerosols. Processing the room should be carried out strictly according to the instructions in a protective suit (mask, gloves, the most closed clothes). Previously from the room you need to make food, children's things and toys.


Fighting insects can also be fought with the help of a fumigator. Such a tool is less safe. A plate or container with a solution under the influence of high temperature is heated and an insecticidal substance that is poisonous to insects is released into the air. The disadvantage of this tool is to wait when the effect is achieved - the result is obvious after 7 hours.


Effectively destroy fruit midges repellents.In the body of the product is placed a strip impregnated with an insecticidal substance. Repellents are very convenient to exploit: just hang them in a room where the midges live. The use of repellent in the living room requires regular ventilation in order to avoid the accumulation of toxic fumes.

Light traps

Zappers are another effective pest control method. They are electrical devices that destroy flies, mosquitoes and blackflies. The principle of the device is based on the impact on the insect electric current. The disadvantages of the device include increased power consumption and high cost.

Light traps from midges
Light traps from midges

On a note

To get rid of indoor plants from stsiaridov, you can easily, using folk remedies for midges. It is enough to stick several matches into the ground with the heads down, and to change them as the sulfur dissolves. Or treat the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. With the same purpose, you can use soap. These methods will help you quickly and safely. get rid of black flies in room flowers.

Folk remedies for midges

Folk means of combating insects is much safer for human health and pets than chemicals.

  1. There is no better remedy for midges than garlic. Its smell is not tolerated by insects. It is enough to chop a few cloves of garlic and spread it in places where annoying pests accumulate. This method can fight the flies in flower pots. Tobacco is used in a similar way.
  2. To remove the watery midge is possible only by drying the room.
  3. A clove stick wrapped in orange peel is another effective means to combat flying pests. Also, the midge does not tolerate the smell of vanilla, horseradish, mint.
  4. Insects will not annoy if the branches and leaves of elder, fern, tansy, and wormwood are spread out in the room. They will not be established in the apartment, on the windowsills in which geranium grows.
  5. Essential oil - another means from blackflies. Insects do not tolerate the smell of vervaina, ylang-ylang, cloves or patchouli.
    Money from the midges in the house
    Money from the midges in the house
  6. A large number of midges will be collected by sticky tape used to catch flies. This method is often used during the canning of vegetables and fruits. Sticky blackfly trap easy to make by yourself.
  7. Effective in the fight against midges such a tool as camphor. In a ground state, put it on the pan, and keep on the fire until steam begins to stand out. Exhaled camphor smell not like insects. For a man, he is absolutely safe.
  8. You can catch insects using a glass jar, at the bottom of which is placed a piece of spoiled product. The neck is tightly covered with cling film or plastic bag, on the surface of which several small holes are made. The insects trapped through them into the tank can no longer get back. This method will help get rid of the midges in the kitchen.
  9. You can save the room from mosquitoes through ventilation or with a vacuum cleaner. It is important not to forget to clean up the container from the "uninvited guests".
  10. And here is another popular method of getting rid of annoying pests. At the bottom of a small container it is necessary to pour juice or compote. Then add a little liquid soap or grease. The smell of a sweet drink will lure the midges, but having tried it, it will not be able to take off.

To prevent the appearance of black flies in the apartment,the order should be maintained in the apartment: regularly throw out garbage, do not leave leftover food and sugary drinks, clean spoiled food in a timely manner. Due consideration should be given to the state of the contents of the pet cages. You also need to follow the rules of care for indoor plants. Observing such simple recommendations, you do not have to share your living space with the "unpleasant neighbor."


Ivan, Kaliningrad: It is not known from where, but many midges appeared in the apartment. They made general cleaning at home and used the Raptor in the fight against insects. More midges have not seen.

Irina, Moscow: Blackflies bred in flower pots. On the advice of the mother, she inserted the matches with her head down and began to water the soil less often. The midges gradually disappeared. Now I watch that the earth in flowers does not become too wet, that the midges do not appear again.

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