Crimean skolopendra

Crimean skolopendra found in the Crimea, but is often found in European countries, Africa. She's the Black Sea. It belongs to the order of ringed centipedes. An exotic creature lives in the wild, but quite often becomes an unexpected guest in a man’s house. Who is skolopendra, well known to residents of the Crimea, but the guests have to pre-study the information to avoid trouble.


Description and photos of the Crimean skolopendry can be seen in every textbook of biology.An exotic creature attracts the attention of both scientists and ordinary mortals. And it's not only in an unusual form.

On a note!

The centipede in the Crimea with a dense shell reaches the size of 15 cm. The Crimean skolopendra, which lives on the island of Crimea, is the smallest member of the class.

Crimean skolopendra
Crimean skolopendra

The coloring is golden-yellow, olive-brown. In young individuals it is always lighter. Caucasian black. The legs are located along the whole body. Limbs are short, but extremely mobile, strong. The first pair of legs - grasping jaws, to get out of which the victim is quite difficult.

There are long antennae on the head, which help to navigate in space, to find the victim, to identify the danger. Round eyes are clearly visible. The body ends with a long tail.

Behavior features

Crimean ringed skolopendra leads a hidden, nocturnal lifestyle. During the day it hides under the trees, old stumps, stones, cramps, in the rocks. Feels equally good in a rocky area, on the coast. You can meet skolopendra throughout the Crimea.

The centipede of Crimea is not shy, but prefers to hide from prying eyes.If he feels danger, he will certainly rush to attack. Any careless movement by a person is regarded as aggression.


With the onset of cold weather, the Crimea centipede looks for a secluded place under foliage, moss, or digs holes in the ground. Winters in splendid isolation on the island of Crimea. In the spring wakes up, creeps out.

On a note!

In search of a secluded place for wintering, the Skolopendra Crimean often crawls into a person’s house. If it has all the conditions for a favorable existence, the insect remains for a long time. The predator needs moisture, heat, the presence of food - other insects.


With the onset of twilight, the skolopendra in the Crimea goes hunting. What feeds the centipede - the diet is not so diverse. She hunts various insects, even animals. Often young lizards fall victim to attacks.

To hunt skolopendre Crimean helps sense of smell, fast legs and poison. The centipede waits motionlessly in front of the victim. As soon as it appears on the horizon, the predator instantly rushes to the attack, grabs the forelimbs, puts bites one after another. Then jumps to the side, watching what is happening.

Food and reproduction of the pest
Food and reproduction of the pest

Poison paralyzes the victim, and also dilutes the internal organs. After a few seconds, the centipede is already beginning to eat, and the half-dead victim is unable to resist. The diet includes spiders, beetles, cockroaches, flies, crickets, grasshoppers.


Crimean skolopendra - extremely independent creature. It does not require the presence of a male for breeding. Eggs are fertilized at certain times of the year without the presence of seminal fluid.

Eggs are laid in the sand. From there babies are born that look different from mothers in body size. The first time they live near her. Skolopendra teaches them to hunt, protects from enemies. After a while the young become independent, crawling apart in different directions of the Crimea.


Egg laying occurs in early spring. At this time, Skolopendra Crimean is the most aggressive, as evidenced by the inhabitants of Crimea.


Scolopendra Bite
Scolopendra Bite

The Crimean skolopendra dangerous for a person, it is not difficult to guess. She bites very painfully. However, the attack of the exotic centipede is not of mortal danger:

  • swelling, redness, soreness is formed at the site of the bite;
  • general well-being deteriorates;
  • in people with weak immunity, body temperature rises, there is a headache, chills, fever.

But painful symptoms pass within 3 days. The bite of the Crimean skolopendry is dangerous by the development of an allergic reaction. In addition to poison, a sticky substance that a predator in a state of stress releases to the human skin. The liquid is a strong allergen. Itching, burning, swelling, redness, rash appear. Patients with asthma may experience a choking attack.

On a note!

Bite the Crimean centipede can by the foot. But if a person was sitting at the time of the attack, his arms, back, stomach may suffer. In this case, it is necessary to visit the clinic, get recommendations from a specialist in the Crimea or return home for guests of the island.

Pest Control

Insect control
Insect control

Scolopendra lives in the wild, it is not worth fighting with it purposefully in such conditions. An exotic creature destroys many harmful insects, which only cost cockroaches. You just need to be careful when staying in the Crimea, walking along the embankment.

If a curious individual crosses the property of a person, it is necessary to take measures.It is possible to get rid of the Crimean skolopendry in the house by general cleaning. If there is no dampness in the room, a power source, the millipede will not stay for a long time, will find a way out on its own. If skolopendra managed to settle, you must start cleaning:

  1. Eliminate dampness.
  2. Dry the room.
  3. Most importantly, bring another animal. Often, the Crimean scolopendra is attracted to the house by cockroaches, ants, flies, and spiders. There will be no food, the pest will leave the possession of the person alone.

What not to do:

  • Pick up insecticide spray. This many-legged creature is not included in the list of pests with which the remedy copes. To obtain the desired effect, you will have to pour a whole can on top of the scolopendra, which is impossible to do because of its high mobility.
  • Slam newspaper, pin down sneaker will not work too. Durable shell protects the body - this time. The second is that a centipede will run faster than a man swings.
  • Sticky traps are completely useless. They are not able to keep a moving, strong centipede.

What should be done:

  • To eliminate malfunctions of the plumbing, taps, dry all surfaces.
  • Slay flies, spiders, cockroaches.Either wait for the scolopendra to destroy them, and then get rid of herself.
  • Install small ventilation grilles, close up cracks in the wall, floor, doorways.

You can expel the Crimean skolopendra out of the house by a strong odor. In the evening, they clean the floors in the bathroom, toilet, corridor, in the kitchen with water with vinegar, ammonia or bleach. Leave the concentrated substance in the corners of the room.

To prevent the unexpected guest from reappearing, you should maintain order, cleanliness and dryness in the house. Leave the door open in the bathroom after the procedure, prevent condensation on the walls. Get rid of other harmful insects in time, which can become a source of food for the Scolopendra of the Crimea.

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