What do crickets do and how they sing

It is so pleasant to listen to the insects in the grass on a summer evening. They do not stop playing music until dawn, which allows plenty to enjoy the melody. To understand the etiology and causes of these sounds, it is necessary to consider the simple process that crickets do to create such a melody.

Where does the sound come from

The answer to the question of what makes a cricket sounds, lies in the structure. Grasshoppers chirp and crickets according to one principle, but the apparatus for publishing sounds is more perfect among the representatives of the cricket family.The acoustic sound of the crickets is more diverse and polygamous than grasshoppers.

The ambient temperature directly affects the quality and volume of the sound. Insects belong to the category of thermophilic, and if the thermometer thermometer drops below +21 degrees, they hibernate.

On a note!

On a hot summer night, you can watch the most active and intense sound of cricket music.

Acoustic apparatus, than chirp cricket, there is only among representatives of a strong half of insects. Chatter cricket is not in vain like the sound of a violin, as he has a special vein under the wings. It is her heartbeat about the fenders and help produce melodious sounds. From the point of view of the correct sound, the difference is that the crickets creep or chirp no. Therefore, both words are equally applicable to members of the Orthoptera.

Causes of chirping


The main reason for which you can hear the chirping of crickets, are the features of reproduction. In this way, a mature male tries to attract a female. His friction can continue from dawn to dusk until the cry is heard.The success of the process will largely depend on the strength of the sound of the male, the more energetic, melodic and louder he is, the more chances to attract a female.

You can hear how a cricket sings, and not only if you want to multiply. Insects lead an isolated lifestyle and occupy several square centimeters. The site is carefully guarded by its owner and does not allow guests, except the female. He goes around his property several times a day and checks the integrity of the territory.


Chattering is intended to scare away uninvited guests and warn about the militant mood of the site owner.

It is pleasant for a person to listen when crickets creep, regardless of the reason for these sounds. Their trill is also melodic, like the singing of birds, so some even prefer to breed representatives of orthoptera at home. It’s easy to do, and optimism is fueled by the fact that in captivity, singers can chatter, not only at night, but during the day.

When chirping


In most cases, it is possible to hear the cricket chirping only at night. That's when the musicians go out of their holes. Although on country fields you can enjoy trill at any time of the day.During mating games, insects can play music day and night. It is very easy to silence an orthoptera. He stops singing as soon as he feels the danger. Therefore, at the slightest approach to it, the male hides in the mink.


The characteristics of this behavior explain why crickets chirp at night. After all, it is at this time that they can quietly invite the female and not be afraid of being noticed by man or animals.

The simplicity of the acoustic organ of grasshoppers does not allow them to chatter at night. At this time, dew falls in the grass and the wet organ is not capable of making trills. The sound of a green insect can be heard only in the daytime.

In Japan, little musicians enjoy special respect. They are bred specifically to be able at any time to listen to the melodious chimes.

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