Wasps make honey or not

Wasps, like bees, belong to the same family. Adults also eat nectar, pollinate flowers, so the question arises - do they make honey. In our area, no one has heard that they breed a striped family for their own benefit. However, in Africa, Central America, for some species such an activity is typical. Wasp honey is different from bee quality, quantity, useful properties.

Features of life

To find out if wasps are making honey, you need to initially figure out whether they need it. In most cases, we are talking about adults. Imago feed on nectar, juices of ripe vegetables, fruits, but for the larvae they extract protein foods - spiders, flies, small insects, bees.

Honey wasps prefer to eat, but not to do. Many families attack beehives, completely destroy stocks at a time, “prisoners” drag their larvae to feed. Honey in the nest is not dragged, so in his comb, as such, no.

However, a small layer of adhesive mass resembling a beekeeping product accumulates on the cell walls. Again the question - wasps make honey or not. Insects do not load themselves with this mission, the bloom turns out by itself, after the insect stays on a flower, it tastes pollen.


In the countries of America, Africa there are several families social networkswho collect honey and make it. But not in such quantity, as habitual bees, but only to be fed in the winter. To say that wasps do not make honey is also wrong.

Wasps and honey
Wasps and honey

The fact that the wasps of our area do not hibernate is also important. At the end of the summer they leave nestfly in different directions. With the onset of cold weather, metabolic processes in the body slow down, insects become slow, vulnerable. One part dies from natural enemies, the other from cold. Remain to winter only young fertilized females whose mission will continue in spring. In winter, insects fall into anabiosis - they simply sleep, they do not need food reserves.

Peculiarities of wasp honey

If a child of primary school age to ask a question - do bees or wasps honey, he will surely choose the first. This will be correct, since our wasps and honey are an incompatible concept. In tropical countries, children will respond differently, since the local aborigines even specifically destroy the hive for the extraction of delicacies.

Honey wasps of the species Polybium Occidentalis can produce, accumulate honey, and make stocks in honeycombs for the winter. However, not able to give in such a large number as bees. They need a product in order not to die of hunger in winter.

Honey wasps thick, viscous, different composition, but it smells good. Most of the composition is pollen. There are no useful enzymes to which humankind has become accustomed - a huge amount of proteins, sugars.The taste is not as sweet as that of a bee. Breeding wasp family for the sake of getting honey, it makes no sense. Only local natives look for wasps, destroy nests, take their waste product.

Honey wasps of the species Polybius Occidentalis
Honey wasps of the species Polybius Occidentalis


Insects do not produce honey, but are capable of carrying a lot. benefits to man their livelihoods.

An important role is played by the wasp family, destroying a huge number of harmful insects with which a person leads a merciless fight. If it is located in a corner of the garden, you should not touch it. Wasps kill flies, spiders, larvae, small insects, large insects. Free cope with Medvedka, Khruscha and his larvae, bronzovkami.

Many solitary wasps lay eggs on the body of the larvae of the large beetle, the spider. Within hours, a larva appears from the egg, digs into the body of the victim, begins to eat it from the inside. In conclusion, pupates, through time imago comes to light in the form familiar to humans.

Benefits of wasps
Benefits of wasps

On a note!

Tiny wasp Spilomena troglodytes destroy thrips. Many other species catch caterpillars of leaf-worm, moths, bedbugs, leaf beetles, cicadas, flies, gadflies, weevils.The functions of the wasp and without honey are large enough - they pollinate plants, increase productivity.

Wasp venom and medicine

Much more interesting for people is not honey, but poison. Relatively recently, scientists discovered properties brazilian wasp venom stop the development of cancer cells, fight oncology of certain organs. Important is the fact that the poison does not affect healthy cells, does not interfere with their functioning.

The composition of the poison of the Brazilian insect is a unique protein that interacts exclusively with abnormal cells, causes their death, contributes to the restoration of the mucous membrane. The poison is effective in cancer of the blood, prostate, bladder. The drug is sold through websites on the Internet, the cost of one capsule is about 9 thousand rubles.

On the basis of the obtained data, research continues to be conducted, the great hope that it will be possible to create an effective cure for cancer, to defeat the disease in a broad sense.

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