Treatment and symptoms of bovine tapeworm in humans

The bovine tapeworm is a dangerous parasite and belongs to the class of tape-type worms. It has a simple structure and lives not only in the organism of its main owner, a human, but also in the organism of cattle, which is a reservoir for passing a certain stage of development of the tapeworm.A person infected with this type of parasite has many unpleasant symptoms, ranging from general malaise to serious problems with the gastrointestinal system. All these symptoms are a manifestation of the disease, which is caused by a bovine chain. This ailment is called teniarinhoz.

Features of the parasite

Bull tsepny is one of the types of biohelminthiasis, which is caused by cestodoses that reach a person from unprocessed meat. The causative agent of the disease, developing in the human intestine, causes a lot of inconvenience and health problems. In Latin, its name sounds like Taeniarhynchus saginatus

The appearance of the helminth

In a photo of a bull chain in a person it can be seen that it is similar to a simple white-colored worm, but its structure has significant differences.

On a note!

The length of one copy can reach 10 meters.

It has already been mentioned above, to which type this biological individual belongs. These are flat tapeworms. Many of this type are parasitic individuals and live in animals or humans.

The structure of the body of a bull chain has its differences:

  • Each individual has a head, neck and body, consisting of separate segments, which are called segments. The number of the latter can reach thousands of pieces.
  • The shape of the body resembles a ribbon.It is long and flattened anteroposteriorly. This can be understood from the name of the class to which the helminths belong.
  • The head has a very small size (from 2 to 3 mm). On it are distinguishable suckers in the amount of four pieces, which are used for fixation on the intestinal shell. They are a kind of movement organs.


If you do not take measures to eliminate the pathogen, then he is able to live in the body of his master up to 20 years.

Bullish man
Bullish man

Features of the structure of the reproductive system lies in the fact that parasitic individuals are hermaphroditic. Approximately from the center of the body are located segments that are responsible for reproductive function. These segments of bull chains contain about 150 eggs, of which over 500 million are laid over the year. Fertilized eggs of a cattle chain come out into the environment along with feces. Body segments are not the same. The growth of segments occurs from the neck, so they increase their size towards the end of the worm. And closer to the edge they are all mature. The length in the human body on average can be from 5 to 7 meters.

The digestive and respiratory systems, as well as the sense organs of the bovine chain are not represented.The nervous system is simplified and consists of a node located at the head end and two nerve trunks.


Regarding the characteristics of the habitat of the bovine tapeworm, it is known that this is always the thinnest part of the human intestine. Geographically, it is more often the countries of Africa, Latin America, Asia and Australia. In Russia, areas dangerous for infection are Chechnya, Dagestan, Komi and Altai Territory. The description of such places allows a person to know where to be the most careful. This makes it possible to prevent the possibility of developing the disease.

Life cycle and methods of human infection

Since the adult individual of the chain is parasitized in humans in the intestine, its eggs leave the person, mixed with his feces, and settle in the soil or grass. They are resistant to low temperatures and can even survive the winter in the soil, but increasing the degree to 30-37 and exposure to ultraviolet radiation to eggs is detrimental.

Together with grass, bovine chain eggs enter the body of cattle or game, which become an intermediate host for helminth. There, its larvae, coming out of eggs, spread through the muscle fibers of the animal and after 4 months turn into a form called cysticercus.If in 9 months they do not fall into the human body, then they simply die.

The life cycle of the parasite
The life cycle of the parasite


In humans, the chains are after eating raw or insufficiently processed meat in the form of Finns (cysticercus). They are transformed into a worm and directed to where the adult individual, the small intestine, is parasitic. There it develops about 80 days. Then the segments of the chainsaw ripened in the reproductive sense leave the person, located in the feces. At this stage, the life cycle closure occurs, and it begins anew.

Symptoms as a manifestation of the pathological condition

The appearance of a bovine chain in a person is indicated by the symptoms when the process has moved to the chronic stage. The initial phase of development teniarinhoza is asymptomatic. If treatment is not applied, then a nervous breakdown, fatigue, general weakness and pain in the head gradually develops.

  • The affected organs of the person are part of the digestive system, so the bulk of the symptoms associated with the gastrointestinal tract. It can be nausea, accompanied by vomiting, excessive salivation and a variety of stool disorders.Soreness in the abdomen, a clear place which is impossible to specify.
  • Various disorders of appetite. It may be absent or, on the contrary, become excessively strong.
  • The most important symptom that cannot be challenged is if a piece of worm is released with the feces. It can also go out just through the anus.

If the patient has noticed how a part of the body of the chain goes, then it should be immediately taken to the nearest laboratory to clarify the type and establish the diagnosis. Therefore, it is necessary to know what the helminth looks like.


Signs of infection appear only at the stage of the chronic course of the disease, and you should understand the causes of bovine chains in the human body and make the most of all preventive measures.

Worm hazard

The greatest danger of bull chains in humans is their size. Having settled in the intestines, several individuals can cause its obstruction, as well as ruptures and inflammatory reactions. All these situations require complex surgical treatment.

Diagnostic moments

Identify the bovine tapeworm is not easy. If you suspect helminthiasis, most of the diagnostic measures are taken by the patient.To detect the bovine tapeworm in humans, you can use a stool analysis or scraping from the folds located near the anus. Get rid of the bovine tapeworm is easy if you start treatment in time.

Diagnosis of bovine tapeworm
Diagnosis of bovine tapeworm

Parasite control methods

The bovine tapeworm causes disease teniarinhoz, which in advanced cases is fraught with serious complications. It is important to identify the pathogen and initiate therapeutic interventions as early as possible. For this they use medicines and, as an addition, popular recipes.


There is no universal remedy for all helminths of man. Therefore, the treatment of bovine tapeworm must necessarily be monitored by laboratory tests.

Medical methods

In an adult, medication is the basis for treating bovine tapeworm. The whole process of therapy is not complicated. It is possible to bring tsepny rather simply. Especially if it was detected in the initial stages. Everything happens at home, in an outpatient mode.

Doctors turn their choice on drugs such as Fenasal and Praziquantel. The first of them is effective in almost all cases of infection.Because of its high safety for humans, the drug is approved for use even in young children. Taking the medication requires using the semi-fluid diet menu on the day of treatment. The agent is taken once. Tablets should also be thoroughly crushed. Analogues of the drugs are Vermitin, Cestocide, Athenaza and others.

On a note!

If teniarinhoz Praziquantel has to be treated, then it should be remembered that within 24 hours after its use it is impossible to drive the vehicle. This is due to its influence on the reaction rate and concentration. Replace the agent in case of its absence can Biltricid or Tsesol.

Folk recipes

Despite the assurances of traditional healers, it is impossible to manage the fight against the bull chain in a person without medicines. Very popular in the process of treatment of folk remedies are pumpkin seeds. But the content in them of substances that kill worms, is insufficient for successful treatment.

Often used herbal therapy. It can be wormwood, tansy plant inflorescences or other options. The carnation, as well as onions and garlic, has proven itself well.If it is already decided to carry out herbal treatment, then it is better to do this under the supervision of a herbalist. If you do it yourself, then you can either not act on the tapeworm or even cause additional harm to the body.

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