How to get rid of grapes on grapes

Grape shoots attract the attention of many malicious insects. The plant can eat leafworm, thrips, aphids, numerous species of ticks, weevils, and mealybugs. The list can also include sedentary scutes, which, settling on a vine, feed on its juices.As a result, the damaged parts of the plant begin to weaken and dry out, which leads to a decrease in yield. Therefore, the question of how to deal with the shield on grapes, many lovers of grape culture are puzzled.

Pest features

Scale insects are small insects whose body length does not exceed 5 mm. The surface of the body is covered with a wax domed shell, the color of which, depending on the type, may be white, gray, brownish black and even orange. It is possible to distinguish a female from a male by a larger size.

On a note!

Insects are able to move only at an early age, as they form a shell, they become immobile and settle on a single plant.

Symptoms of infection

Nutrition for black flies serves the juice of the plant, from which the latter loses nutrients and becomes weak. Grape growth slows down, and the leaves and fruits begin to wither and fall. Considering that shityaski reproduce very quickly, very soon insects will be present not only on the leaves, but also on the fruits, ovaries and even the bark of the plant. Therefore, it is very important to get rid of grapes on grapes as quickly as possible.Otherwise, wait for a full harvest will not succeed.

The following signs may indicate that grapes have settled on grapes:

  • a yellow spot is formed at the site of damage by the shield of the leaf plate, which increases as the pest drains the juice, then the leaf becomes almost completely yellow;
  • on the leaves of the grapes appears oily plaque - honeydew;
  • the leaf plate twists and falls off over time, as a result of which the grape vines become completely bare;
  • the plant stops growing and may even dry out.

A picture of a grave on grapes is presented below.

Shchitka on grapes
Shchitka on grapes

How to deal with a pest

You can fight with the shield on grapes by various methods.

Simple ways

Wax armor, which wears scytvik, is an excellent protection of the insect. It prevents the penetration of chemicals into the body of an insect, from which the struggle with the shield on the grapes is very complicated. Therefore, with a small number of insects, you can use a brush with a metal pile.

On a note!

It is possible to protect the vineyard from shitovki by attracting predatory insects,examples of which might be wasps or ladybugs. Simply release them to the infected vineyard.

Chemical exposure

Chemical remedies
Chemical remedies

A more effective way to control the shield is to use chemical funds from midges:

  • Aktara is the most popular contact-intestinal insecticide with a wide spectrum of action. The tool is available in the form of a concentrated suspension and in the form of granules. The active ingredient is thiamethoxam - a toxic substance that acts on insects, both during watering (during the day) and during spraying (for 2-4 hours).
  • BI 58 is a new - systemic insecticide that is a concentrated emulsion based on dithiophosphoric acid. Affects insects contact and intestinal way. The emulsion is diluted in accordance with the instructions, the resulting solution is used for spraying. For achievement of the maximum result double application is necessary. The protective effect lasts for three weeks.
  • Konfidor Extra - insecticide of system action is effective against suusche-gnawing pests.The active substance in the granulated agent is imidacloprid, a toxic substance that acts on insects on contact, as well as with food. The residual effect lasts for a month.

Folk recipes

Despite the fact that folk remedies are less effective than chemicals, they are safer. To grappling with trees in the garden, including grapes, currant, lemon and coniferous plantsYou can use simple methods.

Garlic and soap

For the preparation of the working solution for the treatment of grapes from shchitovki mixed grated soap with chopped garlic. Then the mixture is combined with water in a ratio of 1: 3. The resulting solution is filtered and used for spraying grape-infected grapes. A day after the procedure, the tool is washed off with a water jet. Such treatments should be carried out every 3 days until the complete disappearance of pests.


It is good to use to protect the grapes from the shield and onion infusion. To prepare it, 4 finely chopped onions pour 1 liter of water, then leave to infuse for 4 hours.Strained infusion is used for spraying vines.


One of the popular folk remedies is wood ash. To combat the shield use an infusion based on it. 300 g of the substance is poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. After filtered and diluted with 9 liters of water. The solution is used for spraying the pest-affected grapes.

The destruction of the pest folk remedies
The destruction of the pest folk remedies

Bitter pepper

Bitter pepper infusion has no less effective effect. 100 g of the crushed fruits boil in 1 l of water within 15 minutes. Insist for a day, after which the concentrate is filtered and used to prepare the working solution: 1 liter of water is mixed with 10 g of pepper concentrate and 5 g of green soap.


The prescription from a celandine will not demand big expenses. 3 kg of fresh herbs insist in a bucket of water during the day. Strained infusion is used to treat damaged grape leaves.


Fern also has repellent properties. From it prepare the broth, which is used for spraying the vine. 1 kg of fresh plants insist in 10 liters of water for 24 hours, then boil for 30 minutes. The infected vines are treated with cooled and filtered broth.

Preventive actions

Such measures are more preventive and will help avoid plant contamination by pests.

  1. In late autumn and early spring, the land in the area is deeply dug up, fertilizing and cutting off dried branches and branches. Also get rid of basal shoots.
  2. The bark of grapes is cleaned of moss and lichen, where shchitovki usually prefer to hide.
  3. For planting, it is better to use seedlings from specialized nurseries, carefully examining them with a magnifying glass.
  4. Covering the vine for the winter, it is cleaned from the old bark and treated with a solution based on tar soap.

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