What to do if a cockroach climbed in the ear

Cockroaches lead mostly nocturnal, when people tend to sleep. Nimble insects can safely walk through the human body, and an overly curious individual can even penetrate the organ of hearing, finding it a secluded refuge. Among the townsfolk there is a lot of controversy over the stay of the cockroach in the ear. Some do not believe that the insect is able to penetrate the auricle, others give the six-legged barbel the ability to invade the brain.What really will happen if a cockroach crawls in your ear and how to remove the "insolent", let's discuss.

Cockroach in the ear - the truth or myth

Cockroaches live not only in apartments, but also in the wild nature. Due to the structure of the body, they are able to penetrate the narrowest slits. The average diameter of the ear canal in an adult is 9-10 mm, which is enough for the insect to slip into the ear opening. Whether the cockroach can get into the ear of a sleeping person is confirmed by otolaryngologists, who more than once had to extract animals from the organ of hearing. For human health insects are dangerous.

Cockroach in the ear
Cockroach in the ear

Not only adults, but also children are victims of a cockroach invasion. The auricle of them, although smaller, may also have a small size; therefore, such an individual can easily crawl into the sleeping child’s ear. Most often, people living in dormitories or in houses with highly contaminated people, as well as travelers who spend the night in tents, are “abused” by cockroaches.


The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that if the cockroach got into his ear, he could not get out of it. The insect does not have a reverse gear, and a small space does not allow maneuvering.

To worry about the fact that the pest is able to get into the brain, there is no reason.The ear is arranged in such a way that it will not fall further than the eardrum.

Signs of the presence of an insect in the ear

When a domestic cockroach crawled into his ear, it is difficult to miss his intrusion. The person is in great pain, as the arthropod is trying to actively get out of the trap. His shell, tough wings and whiskers have a strong irritant effect on soft tissues, which can cause moderate bleeding. If the cockroach in the ear approached the eardrum, strong sounds, noise in the ears will be felt. hearing impairment is possible.

In addition to physical discomfort and pain, the presence of a foreign fluttering body causes a strong psychological shock. To a greater extent this is manifested in children and especially sensitive natures.

How to get pest

How to get a cockroach from the ear
How to get a cockroach from the ear

If a cockroach got into the ear, first of all, you should calm down and urgently seek medical help. In a medical institution, an otolaryngologist with a large syringe with water pressure will wash the parasite or pull it out with the help of special tools. The extraction procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, provided that the insect is not damaged.If the doctor has to deal with a dissected individual and pull it out piece by piece, the process will be delayed for a longer time.


At home, removing a cockroach that has penetrated deep into the auricle is categorically forbidden to avoid damage to the ear canal.

There are situations when there is no opportunity to consult a doctor and a reasonable question arises, what to do if a cockroach crawled into the ear. The primary assistance to the victim is to kill the pest, and depending on how far he managed to climb, pull him out.

Detailed manual, how to pull out of the ear of a cockroach, consists of several points:

  1. Soothe the victim and lay him in a comfortable position.
  2. Slowly inject vegetable or baby oil at room temperature into the damaged ear with a pipette or syringe so that the insect chokes. It is not recommended to use water for these purposes. In it, Prusac will be in agony longer and deliver painful feelings to the owner of the "ill-fated" ear.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, rinse the ear with warm water. Fluid should be administered slowly and metered. If you are lucky, the aggressor will pop out.
  4. Remove the cockroach from the ear if it is within reach and the possibility of damage to the victim’s hearing organ is excluded.
  5. Check for insect integrity. If any parts of the body are missing, only a doctor can perform further extraction.

When the cockroach has penetrated too deeply, first aid comes down to neutralizing it, and the specialist will get the breathless corpse.

To avoid such a phenomenon, it is necessary fight cockroaches in the apartment. For their of destruction there are different ways. You can use effective ready-made preparations, folk recipes, eg, boric acidto purchase special traps or smoke bombs. You can also call to the house of specialists who will hold disinsection at a professional level for destruction of cockroaches with a guarantee. For self-destruction of cockroaches, it is recommended to purchase effective means:

They have proven to be effective in practice.

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