How to get rid of aphids on raspberries

With the arrival of spring, not only lovers of gardening works appear in the summer cottage, but also colonies of harmful insects. One of such dangerous representatives is raspberry aphid. Not only raspberry, but also blackberry and even a rose suffer from it in the summer.Especially the pest is activated in dry and hot time, moving to the neighboring bushes and laying there new eggs. How to deal with aphids on raspberries and prevent the appearance of pests will help detailed recommendations.

Signs of pest presence

Raspberry aphid is a tiny insect with a big appetite. Its light green body covered with a thin wax coating does not exceed 3 mm. Prefers to dwell in the garden or the garden on the young shoots of plants, as well as in the area of ​​their inflorescences, sucking their cell sap. The presence of a pest on a raspberry is indicated by the following signs:

  • inflorescences stop growing and fall off;
  • shoots are deformed and shortened;
  • the leaves and the stem are covered with a shiny sticky bloom (pad), which releases an insect in the process of life activity;
  • affected leaves begin to curl, turn yellow and deform.

When such symptoms are detected, the pest control should immediately begin.

For raspberry
For raspberry

Methods of struggle

Many dacha owners are lost, seeing the amazed aphids plants. Accordingly, the question arises, how to handle a pear, apple or the same plum. You can remove aphids from raspberries with chemical preparations and folk remedies, as well as by attracting biological enemies (ladybirds, sound-flies or golden-eyed flies).

Folk remedies

Fight folk remedies with smoldering possible only with a slight infestation of raspberry bush. More often such method is used as the preventive purposes.

Garlic infusion

To get rid of aphids on raspberries will help the infusion of garlic. 200-300 g of garlic leaves, arrows or chives crushed and pour 5 liters of water. After half an hour, the mixture should be drained and spray raspberries.

And you can use and concentrated garlic extract, for the preparation of which the garlic is ground in a mush, mixed with the same amount of water and left in a dark place for 10 days. Strained concentrate is used for spraying, diluting with water in the ratio of 2 tbsp. l 10 liters of water.

Onion infusion

Remove aphids from raspberries can be infusion of onion peel. 200 g of the product are poured over 10 liters of water, after which the mixture must be boiled and cooled. The resulting infusion should be sprinkled with raspberry three times with an interval of 5 days.

Tobacco Infusion

No less effective in fighting tobacco aphids. The leaves of the plant are poured with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and infused for 2 days. In the resulting infusion add the same amount of water and used for spraying raspberry bushes.

On a note!

To completely get rid of aphids, it is necessary to carry out 2-3 treatments with a break of 5-7 days.

Folk remedies for pests
Folk remedies for pests

Dandelion Infusion

Enough effective against aphids on raspberries is dandelion infusion. 400 g of fresh leaves or 250 g of roots are crushed and 10 liters of warm water are poured. After 2 hours, filtered and used for spraying raspberry bushes. The onion (200 g), crushed to a mushy state, will help to enhance the effect.

Pepper infusion

Chilli pepper many gardeners use not only against aphids, but also in the fight against slugs, moths or cabbage shovel. Crushed bitter pepper (100 g) is poured with a liter of water, boiled over low heat for an hour, then insist two days. Filtered infusion can be stored in a hermetically sealed glass container.

Processing of raspberries from aphids during flowering is a solution diluted in the ratio of 10 liters of water to 100 ml of concentrate.If the kidneys have not yet dissolved, make a more concentrated solution - 500 ml of concentrate per 10 liters of water.

On a note!

Folk remedies for aphids on raspberries are used to process raspberries during the opening of the kidneys and in the event of 2 weeks. When raspberries begin to bloom, the smell of plant insecticides can scare away not only aphids, but also bees, as a result of which they will not sit on the flower and pollination will be incomplete. During this period, it is preferable to use biological products.

Here, many gardeners may have a counter-question how to fight with aphids during fruiting. It is not recommended to carry out the treatment when the plants begin to bear fruit, since the smell and taste of herbs or other folk remedies will remain on the raspberry berries. According to experienced gardeners, the only exception is soda from aphids on raspberries. Soda solution can be used throughout the season. The solution is prepared at the rate of 3 tbsp. l on a bucket of water.

Milk mixture

Not like raspberry aphids and milk. Milk solution is prepared as follows: take equal amounts of water and skimmed milk. The resulting mixture is used for irrigation of raspberry bushes infected with aphids.

Soap solution

The soap solution also has a negative effect on the pest. Laundry soap rub on a coarse grater and mix with water until a thick soap mass is formed. On a bucket of water you need 1 cup of such a mixture. The resulting solution is sprayed with raspberry bushes with a spray gun or a broom.

Feed the plant and get rid of many pests will help a mixture of whey (1 l), water (1 l), 10 g of yeast, 1 tbsp. l honey and 1 tbsp. l sour cream. The ingredients are mixed and left in a warm place to ferment the mixture. In the spring, this solution should be watered, and in the summer it is better to use for spraying the foliage. Processing is carried out 1 time in 7 days.

Other folk remedies

Among other popular folk remedies:


Chemical aphids
Chemical aphids

With a large number of insects on the plant without chemical agents with a pest can not cope. They should be used before budding and flowering, or after the last gathering of berries.The most effective drugs are:

To preserve the crop, these funds are diluted in accordance with the instructions and sprayed raspberries with a spray bottle. Processing is usually done on a dry, windless day.

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