How to get rid of aphids on sorrel

Sorrel aphid is common everywhere. The small insect founds colonies of several thousand persons. For the entire warm season gives up to 20 generations. It feeds on plant sap, causing deformation of the leaves, loss of vitality of the culture. How to deal with aphids on sorrel - one of the most common issues among gardeners and gardeners.

Who have to deal with

To defeat the enemy, you need to collect more information about him.Oxal aphid is a small insect with a body length of not more than 2.5 mm. From the spring to the beginning of August, a young generation of the female is born. Fertilization is not required to extend the genus.

Aphid inhabits sorrel, rhubarb, forming numerous colonies. The larvae begin to parasitize immediately after birth. At the end of summer, winged females and males appear, which lay eggs after the completion of the mating season. In this state, the aphid will winter.

Aphid on sorrel
Aphid on sorrel

Eggs oxalic aphid prefers to lay on the weeds of the buckwheat family. In the spring of these larvae appear, which are developing rapidly. After 2 weeks, a new generation of aphids appears.

On a note!

You can notice the presence of aphids on sorrel by the appearance of the plant. The leaves grow coarse, turn yellow, and spots appear. With careful examination on the stems, black spots are visible on the back of the leaves - this is aphid. If you leave everything as it is, the colony of pests will increase rapidly. The plant weakens, hurts, dies.

Methods of struggle

You can get rid of aphids on sorrel folk remedies and professional preparations.When choosing a method, you should consider the period of infection, the number of insects. Safety must always come first.


Insecticidal preparations should not be used for a period of up to 20 days. Before the harvest, the poison must be completely dissolved. In the case of sorrel, this is problematic. Since the harvest is harvested every 1-2 weeks.

Folk methods

Home methods of struggle
Home methods of struggle

How to process sorrel from aphids, asks each question at the sight of a large colony of pests on the crop. It is not necessary to run to the store for an effective drug, you can prepare it yourself. The amount of the required solution is calculated based on the size of the bed with sorrel. Recipes are based on 1 liter of water:

  • Dissolve in cool water and 1 tbsp. a spoon soda, salt, add household soap to the tool became viscous. Treat the plant from the spray bottle, paying special attention to the stems, the lower part of the leaves. Repeat the procedure after 3 days.
  • You can fight with sorrel spine garlic. Arrows scatter on the beds, from the cloves prepare a solution. Grind the garlic to make 1 cup. Add water.Leave to insist day. To add laundry soap. Treat the plant should be early in the morning or late in the evening. The procedure is repeated in 3-5 days.
  • Dilute in cool wood water the ashes. Concentration does not matter. Add a soap base. Spray the plant with a solution. Sprinkle dry ash between rows. For the destruction of pests is one procedure. Instead of ash, you can use tobacco dust.

Fighting folk remedies with aphids on sorrel is allowed in any growing season. Before using herbs for food enough to wash the leaves well under running water.

Professional preparations

Professional preparations
Professional preparations

It is recommended to use professional preparations with a strong infection of the land by aphids, large patches of beds with sorrel. Use of biological products based on the waste products of fungi, bacteria, other microorganisms.

On a note!

The effect of the drug begins immediately, but the effect can be noticed within a week. Toxic components accumulate in the body of insects gradually. Cause muscle paralysis, death.

The following remedies are popular:

To carry out the treatment of aphids should be in dry, windless weather. Rains reduce the effectiveness of the drug, the protective effect lasts about 14 days. Use in food greens after processing is allowed after 5 days.

The most effective drugs for aphids on sorrel are Strela, Fitoverm. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to dissolve the concentrate in cool water. This should be done immediately before processing the culture.

It is necessary to think about protecting sorrel from aphids in advance, without waiting for the active action of the aphids. It should promptly remove weeds, dig up the soil twice per season, spray the plant with biologics or solutions according to popular recipes 1 time in 14 days for prevention.

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