How to get rid of aphids on cherries and cherries

Gardeners each year face the same problem - how to deal with aphids on cherries. The affected tree begins to wither and drops the fruit, and its chance to survive the winter decreases. Because of the pest, a fungus appears on the foliage, which further weakens the plant.

What kind of aphids inhabit cherry

Cherry aphid can appear in different ways. The insect is small and black in color. It affects young stems, ovaries, back of the leaf.

On a note!

Black aphids on cherries or plums are also frequent guests. She moves from a cherry tree.

Gardeners can determine infection by cherry aphids by the following features:

  • leaves roll inward;
  • fruits fall foliage;
  • black dots appear on the inside of the sheet;
  • The tree was chosen by garden ants.
Aphids on cherry
Aphids on cherry

To save the sweet cherry, cherry or any other stone tree is easy. You just need to know what means and drugs can destroy the pest.

Folk recipes

An effective remedy for aphids can be prepared independently, but regular processing will be required. Homemade aphid preparations are quickly washed away by rain and lose their beneficial properties.

On a note!

Do not harm the flowers and fruits of the plant. folk remediestherefore they are used both in spring and summer.

Sprinkle cherry once a week and a half. The first treatment for aphids should be done in early spring, when young leaves and shoots are starting to appear on the tree.


The fight against aphids on cherries is successfully conducted using ash solution.To prepare it, you will need to take 300 grams of the sifted substance and a liter of water.

Ashes pour boiling water over and simmer for 30 minutes. The broth is filtered and adjusted to a volume of ten liters. Fresh remedy treated foliage and shoots from aphids.


Its smell is unpleasant to many pests. For prevention in the early summer, tree trunks are tied with arrows of a plant. And can bring out aphids garlic brew, which is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • chop 100 grams of garlic;
  • fill it with ten liters of water;
  • Insist means 48 hours in a dark place.

Means process young shoots and leaves of the plant.

Homemade aphid disposal methods
Homemade aphid disposal methods


If the aphid started up on cherries and currants, then a dandelion tincture can destroy it. For its preparation, take 300 grams of leaves of a flower and finely chop them. The grass is poured with warm water and the agent is sent to infuse in a dark place. Two days later, the drug is filtered.


To save a cherry, if aphid has settled on it, it can celandine. From the weed prepare the infusion, which is treated plants.

Ten kilograms of water take 4 kilograms of fresh celandine.Grass poured water and insist in a dark place at least 2 hours. It is necessary to poison aphids every day.

Soap solution

It is added to other infusions and decoctions to improve the adherence of toxic substances to the leaf or used as an independent means. They can be processed cherry after flowering, when the fruits began to form.

To prepare the solution should be grated a piece household or tar soap and dissolve it in ten liters of water.

Other means

In addition to the above means, there are many other popular recipes, where the basis is:

Biological and mechanical methods of struggle

You can fight black aphids on cherries without chemicals and special decoctions. It is enough to inspect the tree and crush insects with your hands, and to remove too damaged leaves.

On a note!

To get rid of aphids on cherries or cherries, you can drown pests in water. To do this, lower the escape into a bucket of water and hold it there for 20 minutes.

Aphids and ants will disappear if you spray leaves with a hose.The procedure is done in the morning when the sun has not yet begun to burn, otherwise the tree will get a severe burn.

In the ration of ladybugs enters aphid. To attract them, marigolds should be planted under a cherry tree. Useful insects are searched in the field and brought into their garden.


Chemicals to combat aphids
Chemicals to combat aphids

Cherry aphid will disappear if you treat the plant store funds. These preparations cannot be used during the flowering of the tree, because they harm the bees and poison future fruits.

All chemistry is divided into three groups:

  • intestinal preparations;
  • contact;
  • system.

Intestinal remedies are most effective. They are used when a lot of insects are found on the leaves of cherries, cherries or plums. They enter the body of aphids during the meal and immediately poison it. You can spray cherries with the following preparations:

  • BI-58 New;
  • Confidor.

Contact agents enter the body through the chitinous shell of an insect and can remove aphids in a few days. There is a risk that after processing the aphid on a cherry will survive and again begin to multiply.

On a note!

In one season, the female aphids brings offspring twenty times.A couple of individuals in a few weeks will create a large colony of cherries and plums.

These chemicals include:

  • Fufan;
  • Arrivo;
  • Karbaphos.

Preparations from the latter group are not washed away by sediments, therefore they act for a long time. They penetrate the sap of plants and gradually poison the pest. Aphids disappear in two weeks. System tools are drug Aktara and Tanrek.

Biological preparations

Biological preparations
Biological preparations

If you need to process the tree with berries, you should use biological products. They do not harm the fruits and flowers of the plant. Aphids will die if you spray a sweet cherry with such means:

Spraying of plants is done even before harvesting. The drugs are completely harmless to beneficial insects and the human body.

How to handle

If the question of how to handle aphids cherry and sweet cherry is solved, then you should think about how to do it correctly.

Chemicals from aphids are used only in spring, when leaves appear on the cherries. Infusion and decoction possible processing in June and July. They do not harm beneficial insects, animals and humans.

Spraying the trees should be done early in the morning. At this time, the sun is still not warming too much and will not burn their leaves. Protect hands and face with gloves and a mask.

On a note!

If the poison hit the skin or mucous membranes, then this place should be washed with plenty of cool water.

Before using the aphid preparation, you should read the instructions and check its expiration date.


So that the cherry is not attacked by aphid, carry out prevention. Trees protect against ants that spread pests on fruit crops. To this end, in early June, a sticky belt or foil skirt is put on the trunk.

We must not forget about the following preventive measures:

  1. The plant should provide good watering and feeding.
  2. Near the trunk is to remove all the weeds and sow marigolds and tansy.
  3. It is necessary to remove the nests of the garden ants from the site.
  4. Trees must be constantly inspected.
  5. It is necessary to use mulching. For this purpose, suitable celandine, mint, wormwood.

It is necessary to monitor not only the green crowns. Small aphid is moved to the cherry from any other culture. In early spring and autumn it is necessary to scrape off the old bark and whiten the tree trunks.It will protect them from insects and rodents.

Dealing with aphids on cherries is easy, but you need to choose the right tool. Chemicals can quickly destroy aphids, but they cannot process cherries during the flowering period. In this case, national recipes will help out. Control measures include prevention.

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