The largest mite in the world

The scientific literature describes about 50 thousand species of ticks. They belong to the class of arachnids, distributed throughout the world. Bloodsucking representatives of the genus are able to tolerate dangerous diseases. Individuals that feed on dead organics often become the cause of an allergic reaction, itching on the body. The size of the tick from a few millimeters to 3 cm, females are always larger than males. The larvae outwardly differ in the number of paws - not 4 pairs, but 6, the minimum body size.

The most huge pincers

Most of the parasites damage the plant, agricultural crops, are minimal in size, are localized on the back of the leaves. Ticks that attack people, animals belong to macrobits. Their size is such that you can notice the pest with the naked eye. Mite animal and human feeds on blood, is a carrier of dangerous diseases.


The huge tick reaches the size of 3 cm. The larvae of the first age are only 3 mm. The abdomen stretches as food arrives, so a hungry parasite is always less than full.

On a note!

Argas mites are able to starve up to 11 years. 12 species attack humans. The poison is toxic, causes a serious allergic reaction, toxicosis. They are carriers of dangerous diseases - borreliosis, recurrent encephalitis.

Argas mites
Argas mites

In Mexico, the local population is afraid of these parasites on a par with rattlesnakes, as it is the most poisonous tick in the world. In our area is spread Caucasian, village.


The largest tick in the world is registered in the Guinness Book with a body size of 3.6 cm. There are about 650 species in the world, and they are widespread.Among them is an animal and human tick that feeds on blood. Parasitic on wild animals, pets, livestock, birds, on occasion attacks humans. On the body can be a few days to complete saturation. The giant tick carries borreliosis, tick-borne encephalitis.

After being bitten by an uninfected parasite, symptoms are limited to a local allergic reaction. Photo of the largest mite in the world is presented below. It is also the most dangerous for a person, in severe cases after a bite, the development of a serious disease, death occurs.


Not dangerous and even useful representative of the genus. Dwells in soil, enriching it with useful components. It has a bright color, looks like a spider. The body size of a large mite reaches 1.8 cm. However, there are about 30 thousand species in nature, whose sizes are much smaller.

Ixodic and acariform mite
Ixodic and acariform mite


Common ticks - forest ticks also belong to the Ixodid genus, but their overall size in the fed state does not exceed 4 mm. They live in bushes, deciduous trees, tall grass. Do not rise above the soil level above 50 cm. On the human body can be up to four days.After the bite, there is redness, swelling, itching, burning.

What size ticks are small

Among acariform mites, there are representatives with the most minimal size - 0.08 mm. To notice such a creature with the naked eye is impossible. Eat dead organic matter. With their presence and waste products they harm a person - cause an allergic reaction, dermatological diseases. These include scabies, flour or barn, demodectic, dust, bed, feather. Common everywhere.

On a note!

To determine the presence of mites on the body, you can use a special analysis, the material for which is scraping the affected area of ​​the body. The treatment is carried out with antiparasitic agents for external purposes. The presence of a tick in the house is determined by external symptoms - an unreasonable headache, feeling unwell, allergy, cough, rhinitis without signs of a cold, etc.

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