How and what to get rid of mosquito bites at home

The warmest months of summer are accompanied by attacks of blood-sucking insects, it is during this period that it boils mosquito life and breeding. Mosquito females are found nutritionsucking the blood of people, and the spot on their skin that has been bitten by their proboscis begins to itch and itch, gradually swelling and reddening.Drugs and folk remedies purchased from a pharmacy for mosquito bites will help to overcome all the negative effects of communication with "bloodsuckers."

Harm to man from mosquito bites

During a bite, the mosquito pierces the human skin with its proboscis, where, along with saliva, it releases special substances, coagulants, that reduce blood clotting, their toxicity and contribute to the appearance of redness, irritation and swelling of tissues. Itching and burning when scratching intensify, which may contribute to an increase in the wound and infection in it.

With multiple mosquito bites a negative reaction increases, possibly worsening of general well-being against the background of an extensive inflammatory process. On the bitten places pink swell blistersthat itch a lot. In such a situation, it is necessary to treat bites on the body with the help of drugs or other means.

Bites on the face or in the eye area are especially unpleasant, because damaged tissues with severe inflammation and redness can affect the ability of normal vision. More often than adults eye swells after bite in children. However, mosquitoes are most often attacked by a person’s limbedless clothing:Mosquito bites on the hands or on the legs may be present in large numbers, but they are easier to cure than in places where the skin is more tender. More complex therapy is needed if leg bite swollen.

There is also the likelihood of insect ingestion. causative agents of infectious diseases: malaria, fever, encephalitis, filariasis, etc.

Some people also have an individual intolerance of toxins in the mosquito saliva, which is manifested by a sharp allergic reaction body: swelling of tissues, redness and spots throughout the body (urticaria), a jump in body temperature and general malaise, nausea, vasomotor rhinitis and even bronchospasm. In such cases, multiple and large bites of "bloodsuckers" can lead to health problems and even pose a threat to human life, even anaphylactic shock.

On a note!

Many people can provoke an increase in negative feelings themselves by combing the bitten places on the body. All this leads to the formation of scratches, open wounds, through which harmful microorganisms or bacteria penetrate them. The result combed mosquito bite It becomes an inflammatory process that has to be treated more thoroughly and for a long time.

Treatment methods for mosquito bites

For the treatment of negative effects, there are various remedies for mosquito bites, divided into main varieties:

  • folk methods using a variety of herbal and conventional home remedies;
  • store preparations intended for the treatment of skin irritations.

First aid after a mosquito bite should be provided immediately: it is necessary to wash the wound well with soap and water to reduce the risk of microbes. For allergy sufferers, antihistamine pills should definitely be taken: Tavegil, Loratadin, Erius, Suprastin and others, which will also improve a person’s condition by removing unpleasant symptoms: itching and burning. This will help not to comb and cure them faster.

Folk remedies for mosquito bites

Folk remedies for mosquito bites
Folk remedies for mosquito bites

To remove the discomfort and inflammation, you can use various folk methods and recipes:

  • Wipe the wound with any alcohol solution (boric acid, calendula tincture, cologne, corvalol, propolis on alcohol).
  • Well help medicinal plants that reduce inflammation and other symptoms: dandelion, plantain, rue. The easiest way is to chew the leaves and gruel to the damaged area or squeeze out the juice and make lotions on the wound, tied up with a bandage or cloth, which must be repeated every 2-3 hours.
  • A decoction of Veronica medicinal in the form of a compress will help remove redness and other effects of bites not only from mosquitoes, but also from spiders and poisonous insects.
  • For the treatment of allergies and other consequences, parsley decoction is used: 2 tablespoons of chopped root pour 500 ml boiling water and draw for 8 hours. Drink three times a day.
  • A solution of apple cider vinegar with water (can be grape or table) will help to remove discomfort; made by vinegar will reduce itching and redness.
  • In the absence of any effective means, the usual pressure on the skin with a fingernail, a fingertip or a spoon for a few seconds will help.
  • Such simple remedies as cut halves of onion, garlic or tomato are also recommended.
  • Well helps to remove the negative symptoms of agave, commonly known as aloe tree, the cut leaf of which must be attached to the damaged area and fixed with a bandage.
  • The baking soda with water mixed in gruel helps in house conditions.It is placed on a sore spot, and a bandage is fixed on top, which will help soothe itching and relieve swelling.
  • The traditional way also works well: smearing the wound with toothpaste, especially with menthol.
  • Ice or frozen foods can be applied to the bite site to remove the bite and discomfort.
  • Essential oils from mosquitoes: lavender, tea tree, mint - the best remedies that not only treat bitten places, but also act in the same way as repellents, helping to protect against insect bites.
  • A method of treatment that has been tested by more than one generation — the use of ordinary brilliant green will help to dry the wound left by the mosquito's proboscis, disinfect it and reduce other negative signs.
  • The usual yogurt or milk, diluted with water, will help alleviate the unpleasant effects of mosquito bites.
  • Lubrication of damaged skin with honey will help remove bites and reduce irritation and inflammation.
  • A proven popular method of treatment with a large number of mosquito bites is the usual aspirin, which includes acetylsalicylic acid. Several crushed tablets in a mixture with water are applied to the blisters, as a result of which they decrease in size and itch less.


If a person after one or several mosquito bites, there is a sharp deterioration in health (nausea, dizziness, suffocation), then urgent medical help is needed. Such symptoms may be a sign of an allergic reaction or infection in the body.


Myself and your child after mosquito bites I treat with ordinary soda solution: put on blisters. It helps relieve itching and redness. For disinfection, sometimes I use brilliant green or calendula tincture. And no expensive creams are needed, everything is at hand at home.

Anastasia, Kursk


Drugs for mosquito bites
Drugs for mosquito bites

Modern pharmaceuticals produce a large assortment of ointments and balms that effectively help remove the unpleasant effects of mosquito bites.

The most popular drugs and creams:

  • Star - the most affordable and safe external medicinal product, used for more than 10 years, contains vegetable oils (camphor, peppermint, cloves, cinnamon) and extracts, petroleum jelly, beeswax. All components help to have anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and anti-edema effects.
  • Balsam DEET - produced in the form of a pencil, the main components: menthol, plantain extract and allantoin. Price 85 rub.
  • Zinc ointment is an inexpensive, inflammatory, disinfectant and healing agent;
  • Bepantin - ointment of the German manufacturer, contains dexpanthenol, which promotes tissue regeneration and healing of damaged skin. The cost is slightly higher: from 350 to 800 rubles. Allowed to apply remedy for bites for children.
  • Cream Rescuer is an effective remedy, does not contain hormonal components, but only natural essential oils, vitamins, sea buckthorn oil, beeswax and mineral naphthalan. Helps relieve itching, burning and inflammation at the site of bites, initiates tissue regeneration, anti-bactericidal. Price 130 rub.
  • Psilo-balm helps relieve swelling after insect bites, itching, and has a calming and cooling effect. Contraindicated in children under 1 year. Price 180 rub.
  • Fenistil-gel - has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties, due to the content of dimetinden maleate. The price is about 350-400 rubles.
  • Funds after Mosquitall mosquito bites and Gardex family designed for the whole family in the form of a cream or a pencil,they contain herbal ingredients (castor and essential oils, D-panthenol, inulin, echinacea extracts), and therefore can be used by adults and children from the age of 1 year. Price within 100-200 rubles.
  • Biocon bite-OFF - a cream containing shea butter, leech extract, essential oils, menthol, which help relieve inflammation and itching after mosquito bites. Price 60 rub.
  • Balm Vitex Summer without mosquitoes (Belarus), contains aloe vera gel, D-panthenol, an extract of Tasmania Lancelot fruit, which perfectly cool and relieve discomfort, redness and itching in the bitten zone. Price 70 rubles.
  • Suspension Zindol - an antiseptic and cheap drying agent containing glycerin, zinc oxide, ethyl alcohol; price of 70-130 rubles.


For many years we have been treating mosquito bites with the Asterisk balsam, it helps very well, it has been tested by many years of use.

Oleg, Novgorod

Hormonal mosquito bites
Hormonal mosquito bites

Ointments containing special hormonal components that relieve itching, inflammation and other signs will help to quickly get rid of bites. hydrocortisone ointment. However, it is recommended to use such products under the supervision of a physician:

  • Sinaflan - glucocorticosteroid cream, contains fluocinolone acetonide, it is recommended to be used for allergic dermatitis, pruritus, inflammatory and allergic skin diseases; the price is 20-80 rubles;
  • Advantan-cream - corticosteroid ointment or emulsion produced in Germany, contains methylprednisolone aceponate, which has an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect, relieves swelling, itching and irritation of the skin; the price is 500-1200 rubles. depending on the packaging.

Such ointments are used in adults or children from 3 years of age, they have contraindications (the presence of wounds and lesions on the skin), individual intolerance and side effects that usually occur with prolonged use.

Sprays and sprays will also help get rid of mosquito bites:

  • Lavender - contains essential oils of citronella, geraniums, cloves and lavender, an extract of honeysuckle, thanks to which it not only protects the skin from mosquitoes, but also heals the bitten places; price 400 rubles.;
  • Mosquitall - spray after bites, contains an antibacterial complex (chamomile extract) with silver ions; the price is 100-200 rubles.


The reaction to the bites of blood-sucking insects is different for all people: the majority of them do not even pay attention. However, there are those who may have a strong allergy and unpleasant sensations, because when the whole body itches and itches, the person is ready to use any medicinal or herbal remedies that can effectively help him and reduce the effects of the “bloodsuckers” attack.

Therefore, if you do not take care of anti-mosquito bites in advance, you will have to deal with the treatment and treatment of damaged skin.

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