How to catch a rat in the house
- Rats
- Extermination of rats at home
- Electric trap
And in private homes, and in apartment buildings, rodents are very common. They settle in basements, in entrances near refuse chutes, in attics. Therefore, many urban and rural residents will be interested in how to catch a rat at home.
What are dangerous rats and how to get into the apartment
The appearance of rodents in a house or apartment is a very unpleasant event, because they are not only able to scare the household, especially children, but also carry many infections. Rats are carriers of dangerous diseases.and in some cases rats can even attack humans. Therefore, the fight against their invasion should begin immediately, as soon as the owner of the apartment or private house found in these pests. There are very simple ways of catching rats and mice in various traps, which are successfully used in the house.
Rats are very intelligent and cunning animals, so it’s not easy to lure or catch a rat in an apartment. First of all, it is necessary to find out by what route the animals enter the room. They enter human housing in various ways:
- through ventilation ducts, gaps in the floor;
- through the entrance doors and windows located on the 1st floor above the basement;
- move through the risers and sewer pipes and get into the bathroom or toilet, because they swim well and even dive.
Therefore, it is necessary to seal all the cracks and holes in the floor and other passages along which rodents can move. To do this, use a mixture of cement and finely pounded glass. If the rat passages are large, then they are covered with metal sheets.
Catching a rat in the house is quite difficult, because in any room there is a lot of furniture, things where animals can hide.Therefore, there are a large number of ways to help catch rats with traps or special devices.
Mechanical methods: traps and traps
One of the most reliable methods is to put a cat trained in catching rats in the house, but not any "striped" is capable of such feats. There are also dogs that love to catch them: dachshunds, york terriers or fox terriers, Italian greyhound. However, cats and dogs do not always want to do this.
One of the simplest methods to drive a rat out from under the bath is to put a cat in there at night, in the morning he will be proud of the animal that has been caught.
Other ways of catching rodents using different traps:
- Spring traps and mousetraps, which are usually placed in the paths of movement of animals: along the baseboards, in places with food. Ready special rat trap sold in hardware stores, but catching a rat is not so easy. To attract her, you need a good bait.
- The rat trap can be made from a 5-10 liter plastic container, where a little vegetable oil is poured.The bottle should first be shaken to spread the oil along the walls, to trap the rat with a piece of sausage. Rat trap it is installed not far from the table, to which a strong bridge is made of cardboard or drawing paper. Having passed on the bridge to get sausage, the rodent will climb into the bottle, and the slippery oil and the height will not allow it to come back. So that the rat does not turn over the bottle, it must be firmly fastened with books or tied to the table. The capacity itself is better to choose the size of a rodent: to catch a large rat or a giant, it is better to use a 20-liter canister.
- Similarly, catching a rat can be done by using a bucket filled with one-third water as a trap, in the middle of which you can place the bait on a silver platter to attract the pest. It is better to grease the walls of the bucket with oil so that the animal that fell into the bucket slid and could not get out.
- Another trap helps catch a rat with glue. A cardboard or plastic tile is taken, ALT glue is applied to it in strips of 3–4 cm, pieces of sausage can be glued between them. When hit with paws in such glue from rodents, the pest is firmly glued.Ready-made glue traps are also available, which are quite effective for small animals.
- Another self-made way - making traps using strings and fishing hook, which is strung to bait the skin from the bacon. This trap is mounted near the entrance to the rat hole. The smell of bacon will help to lure the rat out of the hole, then, trying to grab the bait, the rodent is “caught” on the hook. The guitar string makes a sound that is a signal to catch an animal.
The question that homeowners often ask is: after a rat is caught, what to do with it? If they caught a rat in a trap, then it has already been killed by its mechanism. One of the ways of killing a caught live rodent is its poisoning with vinegar, for which the animal is placed in any container where vinegar diluted in water is poured - as a result, carbon dioxide is released, which kills him.
If there is no desire to destroy it, it is better to take it away from your place of residence and let it go to the field.
Electric trap
The electric rat trap is the most modern and effective way to help catch and kill rodents.The principle of its operation is that the rodent climbs into it behind the planted bait, and inside it dies from a strong electrical discharge (8 thousand volts). Electro-rat trap is used to catch rats and mice, running on batteries.
The advantages of such traps are:
- safety for pets and people, because it is closed on all sides;
- ease of use;
- possibility of installation in hard-to-reach places due to small size;
- The dead animal does not need to be pulled out, but simply thrown away, without touching it with your hands.
What to use for bait
When using traps, they always use baits, in the manufacture of which it is necessary to take into account what rats love: cereals, lard, butter, meat, pastries, sausage. Products must be fresh. It is important to remember that during the preparation of the bait it is impossible to touch it with hands, so that the animal does not smell the human smell. The best bait for rats - fried pelt fat or a piece of sausage.
How to lure a rat, escaped from the cage
Finally, the recommendations of the owners, whose room rodent decided to go for a walk and climbed under the closet.To entice a cunning rat with persuasion or to pull it out from behind a cabinet without a mousetrap is possible only by affection and tasty food. If it fails the first time, then, starving a couple of days, the rodent will come out for food, it remains only to lure him back into the cage as a treat.