Rembek from Medvedka
- Rembek from Medvedka
- Drug use
Medvedki Rembek - Professional pest control on the land of different areas. Environmentally friendly product does not contain potent insecticides, is safe, does not affect the quality, the growth of garden and horticultural crops.
Features of the drug
Rembek is produced from a bear in the form of pellets, ready to use. The basis is cereal - millet. Impregnated, mixed with active ingredients.
The tool consists of:
- pressed cereals;
- kerosene;
- Sahara;
- boric acid;
- dyes;
- vegetable oil;
- red pepper;
- crushed chrysanthemum leaves;
- onion peels;
- flavors.
On a note!
The active ingredient is boric acid. The substance does not harm humans, unlike toxic insecticidal agents (Regent, Vofatoks), in insects, if ingested, causes paralysis, death.
Application features
Instructions for use Rembek assumes the correct placement of the finished bait in the garden. It can be used on beds with vegetables, berries, greens.
Frequency of use
The first treatment is carried out in early spring, a week before plowing, planting seeds, planting seedlings. Medvedki come closer to the surface as the soil warms up. Activate activity at 12 ° C. The second time it is necessary to cultivate the soil in May-June, during sexual activity, if insects continue sabotage, and other inference methods do not help.
Accommodation Guide
The finished bait is placed around the garden or on selected beds at a distance of 50 cm.
- Make a small depression in the ground at 5 cm, sprinkled with soil. At this distance in the warm season, the bears build burrows, place the nest. The scheme is suitable for the fight with the bear in the summer.
- When dealing with parasites in early spring, the Rembek bait can be placed deeper - about 15 cm. The same rule applies to areas with dry sandy soil. Medvedki love moisture. In search of her go deep into the ground, build nests at a distance of 20-50 cm from the surface.
- You can place the bait near the plant, when transplanting, at a distance of 10 cm from the stem.
On a note!
If the location of the holes is known, moves are visible, Rembek is thrust into the hole, covered with soil. Too dry ground is watered on top with water.
The active property of the drug lasts 14 days. During this period, dead bodies of pests will appear on the soil surface. They need to drip or collect in the package, burn. This event is necessary to protect birds and animals from poisoning.
Rembek feedback is mostly positive. According to eyewitnesses, pests under the influence of such poison crawl out of the holes, die.Dead bodies appear during 1 month. The tool produces the effect of a chain reaction. The adult bear eats the poisoned bait itself, drags the larvae into the nest.
Rembek - one of the best funds from the bear. To get rid of the pest in the garden is very difficult, but with the help of poison you can achieve the desired result in 1 season. Boric acid is a relatively safe drug, so you can not be afraid for their own health. Spilled poison before plowing the soil. 1 time in June. The latter is late autumn. The following year - a garden without a bear. Helped Rembek.
Maxim, Voronezh
Planted seedlings, Rembek was digging near the hole. The effect was felt from the drug in a week. The effect lasted about a month. Kneading corpses. The delayed effect is associated with a feature of the action of boric acid. At first the insect eats the lethal dose of Rembek, death occurs within 2-3 days.
Alina, Moscow
Rembek is a universal remedy, it acts not only on the bear, but also on other parasites living in the earth.