Fumigators from flies and mosquitoes in the outlet

The times when fleas and mosquitoes were rescued with the help of gauze stretched on the window and covered with essential oil of cloves have already passed. Now it is enough to insert a small device into the socket, and life is getting better right away. The fumigator from flies is one of the newest means against flying insects. This article will tell you about the main nuances of its correct application.

Features of the device

The fumigator is a small-sized electrical appliance, whose work is based on the evaporation of toxic composition. The device has a plastic case and a heating element inside. Also in the device there is a place where the chemical component is located. The substance that kills insects, can be produced in solid and liquid form.

Fumigator with plates (tablets)

The device is equipped with a special niche for the installation of plates (tablets), impregnated with a special composition. The active substance in it usually act insecticide pyrethroid group (brand Raptor), an analogue of which is feverfew (natural poison contained in Caucasian chamomile). Such tablets from flies for a fumigator do not constitute danger to human health.

A more effective is a toxic composition based on synthetic insecticides, to the example of Thiamethoxam (Agita, Aktara). It has a neuroparalytic effect on annoying insects, which subsequently becomes the cause of their death.


Caution when using a fumigator should be shown to people suffering from allergies.In this connection, it is necessary to carefully monitor their health for 2-3 hours. Headache, skin rash, nasal congestion, or sore throat are evidence of an allergic reaction.

The principle of operation of the fumigator is quite simple. Due to the inside of the ceramic element, the toxic composition of the plate is evaporated. Spreading in the air, poisonous vapors have a negative effect on insects. And after 15-20 minutes, the flies in the room, mosquitoes and other flying insects lose their motor activity, and within a few hours of work they completely die.

Fumigator with plates from flies
Fumigator with plates from flies

Usually the area of ​​impact of the fumigator is about 14-18 square meters. m. Thanks to a special solution that is added to the toxic mixture, it is possible to determine how the plate is suitable for use. If she has evaporated the entire stock of poison, she loses her color, becoming faded.

The operation of the device does not require much effort. To rid the premises of annoying pests, you just need to turn on the fumigator from flies and mosquitoes in the outlet.Another advantage of this device is the fact that it does not produce noise during operation, which does not interfere with rest and sleep. Also, the use of the fumigator eliminates the need to use protective ointments, aerosols and other insecticidal agents that require contact with the human body.

Liquid fumigator

Similarly, the fumigator works on liquid insecticides placed in a special bottle. Moreover, such devices are safer and more economical than devices with plates, because one bottle of liquid insecticide lasts for 1 month of work. And the area of ​​their impact is much more (20-30 sq. M.).

The active constituents of the liquid mixture are usually pleraltrin. Influencing the nerve endings of the fly, the insecticide blocks the supply of signals to the nerve endings, which causes paralysis, and then the death of annoying creatures. Poison is usually added to the fumigator fluid in a concentration of no more than 1.6% (the smaller this index, the less effective is the remedy).

What you should know

Proper use of the fumigator is to follow simple rules.

  1. The fumigator should be placed in an open area with good air access, not closing it with curtains or furniture.It is better if the outlet in which it is plugged in is located as close as possible to the floor surface, so that toxic fumes envelop the maximum volume of the room.
  2. The room in which the fumigator worked should be aired without fail. Especially if it has a small area.
  3. After 8-10 hours of operation, the device must be disconnected from the network.
  4. It is not recommended to use the fumigator from flies in rooms where pets and aquarium fish live.
Liquid fumigator from flies
Liquid fumigator from flies

Most popular tools

Most brands develop their means against flies, taking into account that they are also effective against other annoying insects (mosquitoes, wasps, moths and moths). Referring to reviews of fumigators from flies, the most popular devices are the following brands.


The protective kit Moskitol includes: an electric fumigator, equipped with a timer and a fan, and a bottle with a two-component composition for flies and mosquitoes. The device operates as follows: after certain intervals, the fan is turned on, thanks to which poisonous components are actively distributed throughout the room.

On a note!

At the right time, the timer turns on the device and turns it off after 12 hours. For operation of the device, a special microchip is built into it. With daily use of the bottle, the liquid will last for 1.5 months. There is a set of 160-200 rubles.

There are also plates from flies and mosquitoes of the same brand. They have a cardboard base and are designed to kill insects, both indoors and on the street or the cottage. The active ingredient is pyrethrum, the range of which extends over an area of ​​20 square meters. m. The duration of the natural insecticide is up to 10 hours. Flies, mosquitoes and midges begin to die 20-30 minutes after the device is turned on. The cost of packing plates (10 pcs.) About 60 rubles.


From the flying pests can protect and liquid Reid, which is based on pleralletrin. The advanced case of the fumigator, equipped with a timer, is able to regulate the intensity of toxic fumes. The bottle of liquid insecticide is designed for 30 days of work. The cost of the fumigator from 250 rubles.

Popular fumigators from flies
Popular fumigators from flies

To get rid of the flies in the room, you can use Reid brand plates.They have a cardboard or aluminum base, covered with a natural insecticide (feverfew). One plate protects against flies and mosquitoes for 8 hours, the area of ​​exposure to toxic composition does not exceed 20 square meters. m. Tape of 10 plates costs about 40 rubles.


Plates from flies for an electrofumigator of this brand differ in lack of a smell and high efficiency. The basis of the toxic composition contains vaportrin - a toxic substance, killing flies. One plate is designed for 8 hours of continuous action. A blister of 10 plates costs about 70 rubles.

There is also a liquid from flies and mosquitoes of the same brand, the basis of which is the toxic component of etoc. The fumigator Raptor can work in standard and turbo modes, destroying flies and mosquitoes for an hour. One bottle of liquid insecticide is designed for 50-60 days of daily work. The device costs about 150 rubles.


Equally effective is the fumigator Fumitox from flies and mosquitoes. The basis of the liquid insecticide is pralletrin (an analog of allethrin from the Caucasian chamomile), and also contains antioxidants and organic solvents. The product is odorless.One bottle is designed for 30 days of daily use. There is a kit consisting of a fumigator and a bottle of liquid, within 190 rubles.


We tried many different products for flies and mosquitoes and came to the conclusion that Mosquitol liquid provides the most reliable protection against various flying insects. Even the mole disappeared after applying the fumigator. Recommend.

Svetlana, Bryansk

Plates Clean House are effective against flies, mosquitoes, and fruit midges. Very convenient and affordable. I advise.

Catherine, Hot Key

Our fumigator almost became the cause of the fire - it began to melt and exude a burning smell. During the rushed. So I advise you to use such devices with caution.

Marina, Kislovodsk

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