How to make velcro for flies

Flies - annoying creatures whose presence creates a lot of problems for a person. They can not only monotonously buzz while flying around the apartment, but also carry dangerous bacteria. In this connection, insects should be disposed of in time. The easiest and most accessible way to get rid from flying pests - it is a flypaper for flys. You can buy and make it yourself, which will save up to 90% of the cost of the finished product.

Operating principle

Adhesive tape is one of the safest products used to kill flying insects. And especially this nuance is important when the trap is used in the room where children live or food is prepared.

Flypaper is an uncomplicated design with a viscous and sticky component. The principle of its operation is quite simple. The tape is impregnated with a special viscous glue. The composition of the latter consists of exclusively natural substances luring flies with their scent. Touched sticky strips the insect sticks hopelessly to its surface, as a result of which it soon dies.

On a note!

An interesting fact is that the flying insects are not intimidated by their relatives sticking to such a ribbon, but on the contrary, they attract. Therefore, the more flies will be on the adhesive tape, the greater the number of insects tends to sit on it. Given this feature, many manufacturers of such fly traps put on the sticky part of the product images of these insects.

What you need to make a sticky trap

Components for the manufacture of Velcro
Components for the manufacture of Velcro

To make velcro at home you will need:

  • castor oil (in the absence of such, you can use sunflower oil) - 100 g;
  • rosin - 200 g;
  • oilcloth, wrapping or album paper;
  • honey or jam - 1 tbsp. l

On a note!

The presence of castor oil in the adhesive mixture, which is covered with flypaper, allows it not to thicken for a long time. As a result, a film does not form on the surface of the adhesive layer, which lengthens the duration of the trap.

How to do

Fly trap making does not require much time and effort. Make it easy if you use the following recommendations.

  1. The paper is cut into narrow strips with a width of no more than 4-5 cm, a length of no more than 50 cm. A loop is attached to one end of each tape, which allows the hook-and-loop to be hooked at any convenient place.
  2. In a container, which can serve as a can or an old bowl, put rosin.
  3. Rosin is heated in a water bath by placing the container in a saucepan with water.
  4. At the moment when the liquid rosin begins to boil, castor oil should be added.
  5. The mixture is heated for some time until a homogeneous mass is obtained, after which honey is added to it.
  6. The resulting composition (hot) is applied to the paper strip.Cover the tape should be so that the adhesive layer was not thicker than 2-3 mm.
  7. That the flypaper was not folded, a load is attached to its end, which can be a small clothespin or several clips.
  8. Finished products are suspended in the places with the largest accumulation of flying pests.
The process of making velcro for flies
The process of making velcro for flies

Rosin and castor oil can be replaced with pine resin and linseed oil. These ingredients are taken at a rate of 2: 1. The sticky composition is prepared in a similar way, after which a sweet insect enticing ingredient is added.

It is possible for the preparation of Velcro, or rather the sticky mixture applied to its surface, use the following recipes:

  • 200 g of rosin, 100 g of castor oil, 50 g of turpentine and the same amount of sugar syrup;
  • 200 ml of flaxseed oil, 300 g of rosin and 60 g of honey;
  • 10 g of wax, 50 g of honey, 150 ml of linseed oil and 300 g of pine gum;
  • 50 g of honey, 200 g of rosin, 100 ml of castor oil and 20 ml of glycerin (castor oil can be replaced with machine oil or vaseline).

It is necessary to change a flypaper as required - then when the stuck flies will become too much or the tape will start to lose the sticky properties.

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