Alpine beetle beetle
- Alpine beetle beetle
- Breeding beetles
Alpine barbel - beetle belonging to the family Mustache. This is the only representative of the Rosalia in Europe. The history of this relict kind goes back to the distant past, having survived during this time not a single geological epoch.
What it looks like
Alpine barbel is an insect, distinguished not only by its large size, but also by its amazing beauty. The length of an adult individual in length ranges from 1.5 to 3.8 cm. A representative of this species has many color options, ranging from a gray-blue and pale pink hues, and ending in almost black.Different color shades are created due to the thick colored hairs covering the body of the insect. Many will think that such a color of the beetle makes it impossible to effectively hide. However, against the backdrop of beech trunks alpine barbel almost imperceptible.
The central part of the pronotum is expressed by a black spot. On its sides there is a blunt tooth. A changeable dark pattern adorns the flat elytra, but it is not available for all of the barbel. A distinctive feature of these insects are the long blue mustache, consisting of segments and having transverse bands of thick black setae. In males, they exceed body size by 1.5–2 times, while in female representatives, mustaches only reach the apex of elytra. Below is the Alpine barbel in the photo.
Where lives
The habitat of the Alpine barbel are the countries of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe. Beetles also live in Denmark, the Caucasus, the Crimea, Turkey and Iran. There are roses in Russia and even in Africa.
On a note!
Despite the fact that the alpine barbel is common almost everywhere, it is on the verge of extinction. It is for this reason that it is listed in the Red Book.
The favorite habitat of the Alpine barbel is the old beech forest. Insects also give preference to deciduous and mixed forests. There are beetles in mountainous areas at a height of no more than 1 km. There are brave men who rise to 1.5 km above sea level.
Beetles live mainly in old trees, where there is rotting or mushroom-damaged wood. They try to choose trees that grow in the open area, so that on sunny days they can actively bask in the sun. Insects fly well and actively defend themselves when attacked with the help of their powerful jaws.
What feeds on
Food for alpine mustache is woody sap of beech and elm, hornbeam and chestnut, willow and pear. With pleasure the beetle drinks the juice of hawthorn, linden, chestnuts and nuts.
How to multiply
The fertilized female hurries to find a secluded crack in the bark of the dead tree and lay eggs in it. Insects most often lay eggs on trees whose height is at least 3 m. After 2-4 weeks (depending on weather conditions), white larvae appear from them, which also feed under the bark of the tree.Having strengthened, they begin to lay a tunnel deep into the trunk, at the end of which they decorate a place for pupation. This process takes place already in the second or even the third year of life. A young alpine barbel, emerging from a pupa, flies out of its refuge in search of a female.