Allergic reaction to wasp sting

An allergy to wasp sting appears absolutely in all people. The difference is only in the intensity of the manifestations of an allergic reaction. In most cases, symptoms are limited to redness, swelling of the sore spotinsignificant itching. It passes on its own within a few days without special treatment. If there is a strong allergy after a bite, there is a worsening of general well-being, the most terrible consequence is death.

Normal body reaction

In the process of a bite, an insect sprinkles under the skin poison, which causes a response response of the body. Instantaneous pain, redness, swelling, swelling around the damaged tissues, local temperature rise appear in the place of the lesion. After some time, as the wound heals, itching is observed of medium intensity. This reaction is present in the majority of victims.

On a note!

The body itself stops the action of poison, restores damaged tissue. Painful symptoms disappear within 24 hours, the speed of healing of the bite site depends on the sensitivity of the skin. Approximately a bruise after a bite of a wasp passes in 5-7 days.

The situation does not require special treatment, it is enough just to provide the correct first aid. To eliminate unpleasant sensations using folk remedies in the form of lotions, wiping wounds, compresses, pastes.

Signs of inadequate response

In the human body there are special immunoglobulins that neutralize the effect of the poison, do not allow a difficult situation. Immunoglobulin is produced in the first or second poison in the blood. This substance is absent in infants, people with pathologically weak immunity, genetic predisposition to allergies.

On a note!

It is possible to determine whether an allergic reaction to a wasp sting is possible by external manifestations, internal sensations. In a typical situation, the site of injury becomes red, swelling in diameter of 10 mm. If there is an excess of this indicator, you can judge about allergies to wasps.

How further symptoms will develop depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, the strength of immunity.

Minor symptoms of wasps allergy

Allergic reaction to wasp sting
Allergic reaction to wasp sting

Characterized by enhanced local response to the skin.

  • increased redness;
  • severe swelling;
  • rash;
  • pain;
  • increase in local temperature;
  • burning;
  • itchiness

Urtic after a wasp sting covers only the affected area or manifestations are observed throughout the body. In most cases, develops in young children under 2 years old, adults with weak immunity,at the first insect attack. A photo of a wasp sting allergy is presented below.

Symptoms of moderate severity

In addition to skin eruptions, severe swelling, redness, there is a change in overall health:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • increased heartbeat;
  • dry cough;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • vomiting;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • muscle spasm;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the stomach, intestines;
  • incoordination;
  • pallor of the skin.

An allergic reaction to a wasp sting begins to manifest itself within 20 minutes after the attack of the insect.

Severe symptoms

Wasp bite with a strong allergic reaction for 5 minutes causes breathing difficulties, laryngeal edema. Anaphylactic shock can occur. The situation requires immediate emergency medical care.

The victim is injected with a dose of Prednisolone, Adrenaline, a tourniquet is placed above the bite site to prevent further poison from entering the bloodstream. Further therapy is carried out in the hospital.

In the absence of proper medical care, death from a wasp sting can happen.The situation is complicated by the attack on humans of several insects at once. The ICD code 10 bite or sting by non-venomous insects, arthropods refers to section W57.


Immediately after the attack of the insect, you must give the victim or yourself first aid. The bite site should always be disinfected, to neutralize the effect of the poison, to reduce the concentration of the toxic substance in the blood. In the presence of complex symptoms immediately see a doctor. If several insects were able to bite at once, emergency assistance will be required.

Actions immediately after an insect attack

Actions after an insect bite
Actions after an insect bite

Options for first aid are several:

  • Wash the wound under running water or use warm water.
  • Rubbing the bite with ammonia, medical, any alcohol-based herbal tincture.
  • Apply for a few minutes the foam of laundry soap, wash with cold water.
  • Wipe with a solution of vinegar - a glass of water 1 tbsp. spoon means.
  • Treat with a slice of lemon, plantain juice, dandelion, celandine.
  • Put a paste of baking soda - dissolve with water, stir, leave on the body until it hardens.

On a note!

If it is not possible to use a medical antiseptic, wash the wound, wipe the affected area with your own saliva.

Wasp sting allergy treatment

To stop the pathological process will help antihistamines, anti-allergic drugs for external use. Take the medicine inside is necessary immediately after an insect bite. Effective drugs Diazolin, Elzet, Eden, Supravtin, Fenistil drops. The course of therapy depends on the complexity of the symptoms. In a difficult situation lasts at least 10 days. If you are allergic to wasp poison, you should always carry such drugs with you.

To remove local symptoms, use external means in the form of a gel, ointment. Treat the affected areas from 1 to 3 times per day. The course of treatment is about 5 days. With a positive trend, the concentration of active substances is reduced. When choosing an effective remedy for a child, one must take into account age, the individual characteristics of the body, carefully read the instructions.

Effective drugs:

  • Fenistil gel;
  • Psilo balm;
  • Elok;
  • Advantan;
  • Betamethasone.


Hormonal drugs help much faster, but they need to be applied in a small amount,no more than 7 days for adults, 5 for children.

Preparations for the treatment of wasp sting
Preparations for the treatment of wasp sting

How to find out if there is an allergy

In advance to predict the reaction of the organism to wasp venom is very difficult. There are situations when insects have bitten many times, and then a strong allergy develops with difficulty breathing, laryngeal edema, diarrhea, impaired coordination of movement.

The likelihood of developing allergies is increased when there are no antibodies to the wasp venom in the body, if there is a genetic predisposition. In identifying allergies to wasp venom experts analyze information, symptoms. The analysis itself is carried out by in vivo and in vitro methods. Determine the presence, amount of antigens to the poison. Additionally, the body is examined for helminths, fungi, pathogens, viruses, to determine the nature of the allergy.

In vivo methods provide for subcutaneous, intravenous administration of an allergen, followed by observation of the reaction of the body. The advantage of diagnosing at a low price, the disadvantage is the possible development of an allergic reaction when the wasp venom is re-injected into the blood. The in vitro method does not provide for the introduction of an allergen, reveals not one, but a group of possible allergens.The analysis period is 7-10 days. The average price of the procedure is 680 rubles. It is almost pointless to cure the disease; all efforts should be made to prevent a complex reaction.

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