Who dies after being bitten: wasp or bee

Whether a wasp dies after being bitten depends on the person’s response. If you intuitively clap your hand, you can kill, in other cases the insect continues to live. Other striped stinging creatures - bees, die almost immediately. This feature is associated with the structure stingwhich insect cannot pull back.

Who dies after being bitten: bee or wasp

Sting insects are used for hunting, as well as self-defense, protection of the hive. Bees do not differ aggressive temperament, use the sting in emergency situations.After the sting, continue to live about 30 minutes. The bee sting has notches that look like a saw. Easily pierces the skin, but can not move in the opposite direction. After the jerk, the bee leaves the sting inside with part of the abdomen. In a few minutes dies.

On a note!

What happens to a wasp after a bite depends on the circumstances. The sting is shaped like a needle. The surface is flat, without chipping, protrusions, spikes. Easily pierces the skin, is also freely removed. In one attack, the wasp can bite up to 5 times, after which it flies away hastily.

Insect dies or not - under such circumstances, no. Continues normal activities, returns to the hive. However, some time is required for recuperation. Poison wasp uses in special cases. When confronted with a potential victim, he uses powerful jaws, and only then stings.

Bite features

The statement that a wasp dies after being bitten by a human is not true. This happens if a person intuitively swat an insect. But in most cases, he shakes off the pest, discarding himself.

Wasp and bee sting
Wasp and bee sting

The sting uses an insect for hunting, self-defense.However, any human movement is regarded as aggression, the wasp rushes to attack. Landing on the body, squeezes the muscles of the abdomen, runs the sting. Instantly launches poison. If a person waves his arms, makes sudden movements, the attack may be repeated, up to 5 times.

On a note!

When a bite, as well as the death of a wasp, a secret is secreted by other relatives. If nearby is located nestIn a few seconds you will have to fight off a whole swarm. In this case, the dead wasp is more dangerous than the living one, so you need to try to get rid of the insect, but not to kill.

Who bites - female or male

Everyone knows that wasps sting, their bite causes pain, allergic reaction. However, not all representatives of the wasp family bite. The sting is a modified ovipositor, therefore it is present only in females. Males are innocuous creatures who, when fighting with the enemy, use only powerful jaws.

Since most of the aspen family consists of immature females, it seems that everyone bites. Males perform only a single function - fertilize females in a certain period of time. They do not live long, die within a month.Females build a nest, find food, feed offspring, protect the hive.

At the end of the summer, a young generation of males, mature females. The marriage period begins. At this time, the wasps are the most aggressive, dangerous, are found almost everywhere. In August-September, the entire swarm leaves the nest, scatters around. With the onset of cold days, working individuals, drones die, young fertilized females hide in the wood, winter.

Wasp sting
Wasp sting

On a note!

The bite of the uterus is very painful. The sting is somewhat thicker, longer, the poison is stronger. However, the insect spends most of its life in the nest, is shown out in early spring, in autumn. The queen wasp family is not as aggressive as the working individuals. At the sight of a person trying to hastily hide.

How many wasps live

In early spring, the young uterus starts building a nest, laying eggs. All summer there are immature females - working individuals. They perform different functions, provide construction of the hive, protection, get foodfeed the larvae. Lifespan no more than a month. Wasp society quickly replenished.By the end of the summer, the population numbers several hundred individuals.

In August, the wasps begin to add additional cells, which are slightly larger. There the queen lays eggs, of which females, males, appear. After birth, they are in the hive for some time, then fly out for mating.

The working individuals eat the larvae, the underdeveloped eggs, leave the nest, on the construction of which all the warm season worked. At the beginning of autumn they become slow, not so aggressive. With the onset of the first frosts begin to die. Young uterus hide in hollows of trees, crevices, wooden constructions. According to some information, the old uterus dies along with its family, according to others, they safely winter, they live for about 2 years.

A bite on life expectancy does not affect, unless the person deliberately kills the attacker. In most cases, death occurs naturally or in a skirmish with a natural enemy.

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