Gum disease in adults - symptoms and treatment

Giardia in adults, the symptoms and treatment of which everyone should be aware of, cause giardiasis. Ailment is clinically manifested by a specific list of characteristic signs and can have two forms of the course - acute and chronic.At its core, Giardia - these are the simplest or organisms consisting of a single cell. Their habitat, they choose a thin section of the intestine. Attention should be paid to suspicious symptoms in order to identify the parasites in time and to prevent the serious consequences of giardiasis.

Features of the parasite

How giardias look can be recognized only by looking at them under a microscope. The parasitic individual has very small sizes that do not exceed 14 microns. There are two possible forms of existence:

  • The first has the name trophozoid and is a formed organism, due to which the symptoms of giardiasis appear in adults.
  • The second form, called cysts, is a temporary phenomenon and provides Giardia with protection from the negative effects of the environment.

The photo of Giardia shows that the body of the microorganism is drop-shaped. There is a rounding at one end, and a sharp end at the other. The parasite has flagella in the amount of 4 pieces, which contribute to the movement of Giardia in the intestines of its host and the seizure of new parts of the organ. In addition to the above, the microorganism has a disk to suck to the cell membrane and fix its position in the right place.

On a note!

Breathing Giardia is not required, they feed in the intestines of the host, extracting all the substances necessary for their life.


Intestinal lamblia may exist outside the human body for about three months. She gets there in the form of cysts and in the same form finds a new contender for sharing. Infection can occur exclusively by cysts. Once inside the person, the microbe begins to actively proliferate by division. The entire reproductive process takes no more than 20 minutes and very soon the Giardia in the body becomes a great variety.

Infection possibilities

Many are interested in the question of where are the Giardia. Giardiasis, or otherwise, giardiasis, develops as a result of non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene or eating insufficiently processed meat and fish products, as well as unwashed fruits or vegetables.

On a note!

Often the reason for which a person appears lamblia, it becomes known habit biting his own nails.

The development of giardiasis is facilitated by contact with a sick person or the use of his personal hygiene products. Also, infection occurs due to flies.They are active carriers of Giardia in the form of cysts.

How are clinically manifested

The earlier microbes are detected, the more effective the treatment of Giardia in adults. The classic habitat of the causative agent of giardiasis is the intestine, but there may be others. Code giardiasis, according to the ICD in the tenth revision - A07.1. The disease has several forms and two variants of the course - acute and chronic types.

Signs of Giardiasis
Signs of Giardiasis
  1. Giardiness carrying. Signs of Giardia in an adult may be absent altogether, when he is just a carrier. This patient has no complaints and feels healthy.
  2. Giardiasis in general form. The symptoms of lamblia in adults affected by this form of the disease are different. Often there is an allergy, manifested as a rash on the skin of the type of urticaria. But this is not the only symptom of this form. The nervous system suffers, which is manifested in the development of neurosis-like states. There are pains in the muscle and joint tissues. Giardia in the blood do not live, but a large number of their toxins that arise in the process of life activity go there. Other symptoms are characteristic. Cough from Giardia is not uncommon and may even develop into bronchial asthma. He has an allergic nature. Since the cough is usually dry, it irritates the throat.There are problems with the skin. Acne on the face is a frequent companion of Giardiasis. Unable to avoid damage to the heart system. This parasite does not enter the heart or brain directly. The whole point is that its toxin provokes the development of the inflammatory process in the myocardium, as well as diseases of the cerebral vessels. The lymphatic system also suffers, especially in children. Parasites provoke swelling of the adenoids in young patients.
  3. Intestinal variant of the disease. If lamblia are not taken out on time, they accumulate more and feed in the host intestine, causing various disorders of the gastrointestinal system. For the manifestations of this form of giardiasis is characterized by pain and stool disorders in one way or another. The stomach hurts regardless of food intake or other external factors. Soreness is determined in the region of the stomach or near the navel. The tongue is covered with white bloom and you can clearly smell bad breath.
  4. Hepatobiliary variant. In this case, patients are worried about the pain under the ribs on the right and the feeling of bitter taste in the mouth. Many say that they have itchy face or skin in other places.
Hepatobiliary variant of giardiasis
Hepatobiliary variant of giardiasis


The presence of acute giardiasis is characterized by such common symptoms as malaise, weakness, and weight loss. The man is broken and depressed. All because of the intoxication of the organism with the simplest metabolic products. The parasite multiplies very quickly and these products become more and more. May even increase body temperature.

If you do not treat a person from such a malicious neighbor, he will continue to poison the body of his master and giardiasis will become chronic. Often in this case loss of appetite develops and gastritis gradually develops, which means inflammation in the stomach.

Danger of Giardia for an adult

If treatment of giardiasis in adults is not performed, the disease becomes chronic and persists for years. Various organs and systems are affected. Gradually, the disease leads to serious consequences, a list of which is presented below.

  1. Distortion of fermentation processes in the digestive system. Since the protozoa of this species live in the small intestine, the absence of their treatment leads to the rapid growth of organisms.They accumulate near the special intestinal villi, which are involved in all enzymatic reactions. By blocking lint access to nutrients, Giardia interferes with the aforementioned processes.
  2. The imbalance of essential trace elements. These substances are not formed in the human body, and can only enter into it from the outside. Violation of the processes of absorption leads to their shortage and bias of biologically important balances.
  3. Damage to the intestinal mechanical type. When the number of parasites is too large, they can even destroy the villi in the gut, injuring their cells individually.
  4. Toxic effects on the nervous system. Due to the effects of Giardia toxin on blood vessels and brain cells, a person suffers from neurosis-like conditions and other neurological disorders.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the bladder and in the ureter. Recent evidence suggests that parasites can cause cystitis and prostatitis. Giardia are sometimes found in the urine. The cystitis caused by them are recurrent in nature. And although Giardia in the urine - the situation is atypical, but to exclude it in the diagnosis of pathology of the genitourinary sphere is not worth it.
  6. Psoriasis.There is information that if you do not treat giardiasis, the constant sensitization of the body can cause the development of such an autoimmune disease like psoriasis.
Danger of giardiasis
Danger of giardiasis

Diagnostic features

Diseases equally often can be found in both children and adults. To identify the simplest is required to pass an analysis of feces and blood for serological research. To determine if there are parasites in the bile, duodenal intubation is used.


Independent determination of pathology is impossible. Diagnosis of Giardia requires several repetitions of fecal analysis, since it is not always possible to identify cysts the first time.

Treatment options

Many patients wonder which doctor treats Giardia. This may be such a specialist as a gastroenterologist, parasitologist or infectious diseases. Self-treatment at home is prohibited. All possible treatment includes diet therapy, medication and traditional healers.

Dietary recommendations

Successfully treat giardia is impossible without adherence to proper nutrition. Diet will provide a weakening of the parasites before removing them from the body.As part of the right menu, you should opt out of eggs, meat and fish dishes that are high in fat, canned food, and various desserts. Products such as unsweetened fruits and berries, honey, seasonings and spices, as well as dairy products, are banished by parasites.


The most correct solution is to get rid of the simplest medication. What and how to take, tell the attending physician. There is a definite treatment regimen. It consists of three parts.

Preparations from giardiasis
Preparations from giardiasis
  1. To cure Giardia, the first thing to do is to adjust the work of all internal organs and save the patient from unpleasant symptoms. In the arsenal of the means used - drugs, expelling bile, eliminating allergies, sorbing and stimulating the protective systems of the body.
  2. The second stage of treatment is characterized by the fact that preparations for Giardia are already added to the aforementioned remedies, which are already directly affecting the parasites. These include drugs such as Trihopol, Metronidazole, Ornidazole. These tools help to get rid of the simplest, weakened by diet and treatment of the previous stage.
  3. The final procedure of the whole treatment is the restoration of the normal state.intestine and colonization of its proper microflora. Vitamin preparations, pro-and prebiotics are included in the work.

On a note!

The total duration of treatment is about three weeks.


Folk remedies can complement drug treatment, but only with their help to cure the disease will not work. Garlic and tansy are particularly popular. They are used in the form of decoctions for oral administration.

Preventive actions

Gumliosis in adults, the symptoms and treatment of which were discussed above, can be avoided by adhering to certain rules for its prevention. Any disease is easier to prevent than to get rid of it. Preventive measures include washing hands and fruits with berries, boiling water, daily changing of bedding, anthelmintic prophylaxis for pets. Know and apply methods of preventing Giardia is very important for maintaining health and well-being.

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