About spiders
Spider tarantula at home
The tarantula spider is often kept as a pet by lovers of the exotic. He lives in terrariums with a closed lid. Life expectancy of females to ...
Spider jog: photo and effects after a bite
Whether the bite of a spider of a krestovik is dangerous for a person, every nature lover should know. Spiders are ubiquitous. They can bite while in clothes ...
Methods and tools for spiders in an apartment or private house
Get rid of spiders in the house in several ways. They do general cleaning, use folk remedies, insecticides. To prevent penetration ...
What is the name of the fear of spiders (phobia) and treatment methods
The fear of spiders often has no apparent reason, but in most cases is associated with certain events imposed by stereotype. Pathology is called arachnophobia ....
As the spider weaves a web
The spider weaves a web with its paws in the dark. The formation of trapping networks takes 1-2 hours. A substance is formed in the spider glands, ...
Spider is an insect or animal
Spiders in Latin Araneae, Aranei. They belong to the animal kingdom, the type of arthropods, the arachnid class. In the world there are 42 thousand modern species, ...
Where and why in the apartment or house a lot of spiders
Spiders in the house start up in the warm season, but most of them in late August, September. Get into the house through ...
How many spider paws
How many legs of a spider, experts give the exact answer - 8. However, in some sources there is information that there are only 12 limbs ....
Do spiders know how to fly
Flying spiders can be seen in early fall. They travel with the help of the web, the flow of wind. In this way, the younger generation is settled by ...
How many eyes does a spider have?
How many eyes a spider depends on the species. Most of them have 8. They are placed in front, on the sides.The most important front, transmit general ...
How many ordinary spiders live in an apartment and in nature
How long spiders live in nature, home conditions, depends on the species, the environment. On average, an ordinary spider lives in our area ...
What eat spiders in the apartment
How and what spiders eat depends on the species. The predator attacks all living creatures with whom it can cope. The main diet ...

About spiders

All about spiders.

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