What eat spiders in the apartment

What spiders eat in an apartment, the house is no different from wild relatives. All arachnids are predators with the exception of the mount, which lives in the countries of Central America - it eats the green part of acacia. The main diet - insects. Large specimens eat up small vertebrates.

Nutrition in the natural environment

The spider menu consists of 90% animal food, 10% vegetable. The basis of the diet are various insects that a predator can easily cope with.Spider-like large sizes skillfully cope with reptiles, amphibians, small rodents. Spiders living in the aquatic environment feed on fry, larvae of beetles, and crustaceans.

What spiders eat depends on their habitat. Large specimens attack all living things they can handle. Often these are creatures that are several times larger than the size of a predator, but the spider triumphs.

What can eat a small spider, medium size:

  • fly;
  • Drosophila;
  • mosquito;
  • beetle larvae, moths;
  • butterflies;
  • cockroaches;
  • caterpillars;
  • beetles;
  • grasshoppers;
  • locust;
  • crickets;
  • snail;
  • bee;
  • wasp;
  • hornet.

Large spiders except insects eat:

  • small birds, chicks;
  • little mice, pups;
  • snakes;
  • vipers;
  • snakes;
  • lizards;
  • frogs;
  • toads;
  • fish;
  • smaller relatives, males of the same species as the female.

How many spiders can live without food in the wild, definitely can not be said. Experts say - more than a month. After a hearty meal, the arthropod will again want to eat after 7-10 days.

Food for spiders
Food for spiders


One of the most beautiful representatives of arachnids - a tarantula can eat a bird, but does not include meat in the basic diet.Such food is poorly digested, very heavy. Prefers insects, their relatives.

What eat spiders in the apartment

Exotic pets eat the same as in the wild. The owners of their wards give various insects, worms, snails, caterpillars, as well as small vertebrates, reptiles, amphibians. Large animals are fed by rodents.

Domestic spiders that make their way into the room through open windows, doors, crevices in the wall, eat cockroaches, flies, fruit flies, mosquitoes, moth caterpillars, a butterfly that has accidentally flown in, a wasp, a bee. Most of all arachnids in homes with complete lack of sanitation, a lot of pests. Little spiders eat all the living creatures that are in the apartment.


Whom spiders can eat is directly dependent on their own size. Small predatory individuals choose fruit flies, mosquitoes, caterpillars. A medium sized arthropod can only eat insects - catches flies, bees, wasps. If too much of the victim gets tangled in the web, the spider releases it. Similarly, it comes with bedbugs, since they emit an unpleasant odor in self-defense.

The spider kills its victims

Spider-like are somewhat different way of life, behavior, tactics of hunting.

  • Animals, weaving trapping nets, are waiting for their prey in the center of their creation or in close proximity. The presence of insects is determined by vibration, vibration.
  • They are actively seeking a victim, exploring the nearest terrain. Attack at the right moment.
  • Some spiders do not weave trapping nets, but they build a web in the form of a funnel near a hole, a refuge.
Food for spiders
Food for spiders

Predators also behave differently - they entangle prey with their own threads, leave them for a while, start feeding on insects almost instantly. However, initially the predators with their victims act identically - they inject a poisonous substance.

All spiders have poisonous glands, kill insects, small vertebrates by chelicerae, which are located in front of the cephalothorax in the form of canines. The poison is injected into the wound with a paralyzing effect, its own saliva, which turns the insides into a liquid mass.

On a note!

For prey to become usable, it will take from 5 to 15 minutes. All this time, the predator has been watching the insects while sitting on the side. When the body ceases to convulse, the meal begins.

How do wild spiders eat

There are no full digestive organs in arachnids. Food is digested outside, after which the arthropod sucks the liquid mass through the mouth opening. There are no teeth in the mouth either. Helps to crush, grind food, pedipalps, similar to tentacles. Some spiders are only able to suck up liquid food, others - crush the shell, snack on the skin. Entirely eats the sacrifice kosynozhka.

On the digestion of amphibians, rodents takes more time. The predator eats the mouse, the snake, the frog gradually, turning it in different directions, constantly squirting a new batch of saliva. Like spiders eating flies, you can see the video below.

The diet of the predator depends on the habitat. Without food the arthropod can stay for about a month. With a large number of insects eats 1 time in 7-10 days. Some members of the family are so “greedy” that they don’t crawl away until they leave the shell of one shell or empty space. In other cases, leave the prey in reserve.

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