How to get rid of herbal fleas in the house

Fleas distributed throughout the globe. Most fleas are parasitic species and therefore cause tangible harm to man and interfere with its economic activities. There are dozens of species of herbal fleas, most of them are called leaf beads. Whether grass fleas have settled in the house, on indoor plants, in the garden on apples or on beds with strawberries, these insects begin to feed and multiply, destroying the most juicy and young parts of the plant.

Grass fleas in the house

Grass fleas are often settled in homes and city apartments. Their activity begins from mid-April and continues until the onset of frosts. These insects have wings, so they easily reach the upper floors. Most often, parasites colonize large plants that caring owners put up in summer on open balconies, where there is better light.

The apartment, in which tenants plant many indoor plants, for grassy fleas is an excellent habitat, since unfavorable climatic factors are reduced to zero here. Listoblushki with amazing speed occupy all young shoots and thus greatly hinder the growth and development of the plant.

Grass flea
Grass flea

On a note!

Quite often, herbal fleas settle in apartments, when flower or vegetable seedlings for home gardens are grown on windowsills.

Because of their microscopic size and light green color, insects go unnoticed on young stems, and parasitize with impunity for a long time. To accurately determine the pest, you can carefully consider what the grass fleas look like in the photo taken with a powerful microscope. It is equally important to know why are pests afraid.

What are the hazards of grass fleas?

Grass fleas (forest fleas) pose a serious threat to fruit trees and vegetable crops. With the end of winter, these pests begin an active period of life. Insects damage young blooming leaves of fruit crops, drink the sap of plants, interfere with the development of stems and young shoots.

Herbaceous flea nymphs are the most dangerous. Nymphs are very voracious and inactive. The digestive system of nymphs is not able to absorb all the substances entering the body. With active feeding, the vital activity products of the larvae are a sticky, sugary liquid covering the surface of leaves and stems. This liquid attracts aphids, which further damage the plant. Sweet bloom, which is called "Honeydew", is a breeding ground for soot fungi. These parasitic microorganisms cover the tips of young shoots and unblown buds with black bloom. As a result of such a strong impact, the plant dries out and ceases to bear fruit.

Herbal Fleas-1
Herbal fleas

If grass fleas appear in the house and feed on seedlings on the windowsill or in potted plants, then these plants can become infected with fungal spores, especially in conditions of high humidity and high temperatures.

Most often, apple trees, sweet varieties of pears, plums, strawberries, carrots, and cereals suffer from herbal fleas. Among indoor plants, those species that have soft, juicy stems and young buds are most vulnerable.

Warm-blooded animals and humans are not victims of these parasites, so any pet is out of danger. The parasite's oral apparatus is not suitable for piercing the skin of mammals and is not capable of making a bite.


In the summer I put a tub with tangerine on the balcony so that there was more light, so to speak, "To the fresh air." In early June, she noticed that the tips of the young shoots are dotted with small green dots. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that these are some kind of parasites. She found a similar photo on the Internet and realized that it was a sheet. I had to process the copper sulfate several times until the insects are gone.

Lyudmila, Kaluga

Herbal Flea Control

Combating herbal fleas consists of two main stages:

  1. Physical destruction of the pest;
  2. Creating conditions that prevent the recurrence of parasites.
Herbal Fleas-2
Herbal fleas

Listoblashki have high adaptability to adverse climatic factors and are resistant to many chemical drugs. So that pest control has a lasting effect, begin processing plants insecticide need early spring.

Before the beginning of the vegetative period, when the grass and leaves have not yet begun active growth, the insect is in the egg stage, and therefore has the greatest vulnerability to chemicals. After the hatching nymphs are covered with a thick layer of honey dew, many drugs can no longer have such a strong effect on the parasites.

For the primary processing of plants and the destruction of egg clutches, you can use folk remedies - A solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux fluid.

In order to get rid of adults in household plots and agricultural areas, insecticide treatment is carried out:

  • Karbofos;
  • Metaphos;
  • Thiofos;
  • Phosphamide;

Any of these drugs is very effective because it contains toxic organophosphorus compounds. But the use of such substances requires caution and strict adherence to instructions.

There are popular ways to get rid of leaf patches:

  • Fumigation of landings with smoke from burning straw;
  • Growing on neighboring beds of onion and garlic;
  • An effective flea repeller is a shag growing next door.


Coniferous trees such as pine and spruce serve as food and habitat for grass fleas. To get rid of pests in the presence of such plants in the neighboring areas will be more difficult and will have to use more effective means.

Herbal Flea Plants
Herbal Flea Plants

There are good people's tips on how to get rid of herbal fleas in the house. Pests do not tolerate the smell of plants:

If you put vases with wormwood bushes on the floor and window sills, then most insects will not want to enter the room at all. To enhance the effect helps wet cleaning with the use of tincture of wormwood, added to the means for cleaning floors. In addition, window sills and doorways should be treated with the same tool.


We have forest fleas constantly eat a sweet pear variety Dushes. Moreover, they also attract aphid and antsbecause sweet pigment is secreted. During the season we spray two or three times Karbofos, a very powerful tool, fleas die quickly.

Nikolay, Ryazan

Herbal fleas are serious pests for the garden. If you leave them without attention, the damage will be very noticeable. Even in a city apartment, these small insects are capable of destroying seedlings of plants and indoor flowers in a short period. Fortunately, timely measures for the destruction of parasites and comprehensive preventive measures can save the situation.

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