How mosquitoes see and what attracts them to a person

Summer is not only the season of holidays and vacations, picnics and barbecues, but also mosquitoes, annoying squeak which interfere with proper rest and sleep. The bites of annoying insects bring no less suffering. Often they are accompanied by redness and swelling, severe itching.And it often happens that being in the same company, not all its participants suffer from the attack of bloodsuckers. Therefore, in order not to become a victim of insatiable bloodsuckers, it will not be superfluous to know what mosquitoes are flying at or what attracts their attention.

How mosquitoes find humans

The activity of unpleasant bloodsuckers and their ability to find a victim surprises many. Even being in absolute darkness, mosquitoes do not cease their activity. Therefore, the question of how mosquitoes are seen is one of the most frequently asked.

On a note!

Insects "see in the dark" thanks to the thermal and chemical analyzer, which nature has awarded them. With their help, mosquitoes smell the lactic acid in the sweat and the presence of carbon dioxide that a person exhales.

It attracts the attention of insects and a lamp burning in the room. However, only mosquitoes fly to the world. Their attention is attracted by the heat emanating from the light source. It is precisely to him that the mosquito is guided during the flight, whether it is light or dark.

Using a thermal receptor, mosquitoes also look for exposed areas of the human body, trying to get as close as possible to the source of nutrition.However, quite often bloodsuckers are deceived, wrapping around warm objects in anticipation of the meal (the photo, as mosquitoes see, is presented below).

What attracts insects

After conducting numerous studies, specialists were able to determine that the presence of the following factors attracted the attention of mosquitoes.


The smell of blood

For many, this may seem absurd, but bloodsuckers find a victim by the smell of blood that is genetically incorporated, which makes you wonder people with which group mosquitoes bite more often. It is assumed that they give preference exclusively to people with blood group 1. They are more indifferent to a person with 3 or 4 blood groups. Vampires have no blood group 2 at all.

On a note!

Hunting for people suit exclusively female mosquitoes. For breeding offspring females drink blood, as it contains proteins and enzymes. Males for blood are absolutely indifferent. They eat exclusively vegetable food, using nectar and juice of plants. Vegetarians can be females, but they cannot lay eggs during this period.

Heat radiation

Special, very sensitive sensors located on the antennae help the female bloodsucking mosquito to find a suitable victim.They are very responsive to thermal radiation that comes from a person or other warm-blooded creature. And especially bloodsuckers feel naked areas of the body.

Carbon Dioxide Concentration

It attracts the attention of bloodsuckers and carbon dioxide. Insects can feel it from the breath of a person at a distance of several tens of meters.

On a note!

Moreover, the greater the concentration of carbon dioxide, the greater the appetite for the insect that causes it to produce. The largest volume is reproduced by people who are overweight.

Smell sweat

Another factor that attracts the attention of bloodsucking insects is sweat. Therefore, they often choose an actively working person as a victim. To be more precise, the bloodsuckers fly to the smell of ammonia, lactic and uric acid, which are part of human sweat.

Perfume will not help in this case, especially if musk is present in its composition. After all, for insects, this fragrance is very attractive. Therefore, it is not the best option to use cosmetics with a pungent smell, be it perfume, deodorant or hair spray. But a person who has only taken a shower will not cause any interest in bloodsuckers.

Mosquitoes and the smell of sweat
Mosquitoes and the smell of sweat

Bacteria on the skin

The interest of mosquitoes is also manifested in relation to the specific types of bacteria present on the surface of the skin. Places in which they are observed an excessive amount (usually the ankles and wrists) are attacked by insects much more often. Therefore, to avoid mosquito bites, you must regularly take a shower with antibacterial soap.

The smell of beer

One more amazing fact about mosquitoes managed to figure out scientists. No less luring mosquitoes and the smell of beer, but rather people who use it. This addiction is due to ethanol released through the skin and increased body temperature, which is usually observed among alcohol drinkers.


More often the victims of mosquitoes are children and girls. This fact is explained by the presence of a thinner skin in them, which is much easier for the insects to bite through than the skin of a male representative.

On a note!

According to a number of studies, experts have found that women during pregnancy are of particular interest in mosquitoes.It turned out that the volume of carbon dioxide exhaled by them is almost 20% more. In addition, pregnant women have a slightly increased body temperature.

Not less attention of bloodsuckers attract women in the period of ovulation. The reason for this is the smell of cholesterol, the level of which in women increases during hormonal adjustment. Mosquitoes react to it.

Color of things

The color of clothes may also attract the attention of insects. According to statistics, bloodsuckers are especially indifferent to black and blue tones, and the red color also attracts insects. They are neutral to gray. The less attractive are yellow, green and khaki.


The attacks of annoying insects do not affect those people whose body has a special repellent that repels bloodsuckers from birth.

Means attracting mosquitoes

Mosquito traps
Mosquito traps

Created a lot mosquito repellentwhich are issued in the form of aerosols, sprays and creams. Also popular are folk remedies. However, traps are recognized as safer or as they are often called - mosquito cleaners.

  • A heat trap is a means to attract mosquitoes through heat. Such units are intended for use, both in the house, and in the conditions of the street. Most popular light bulbs Terminator, mosquito killer SITITEK Garden-M.
  • A carbon dioxide trap simulates human breathing. Gas-suckers ejected into the atmosphere are perceived as a trace of human activity, feeling it for tens of meters.
  • Water trap is characterized by the presence of an open tray with water. After all, mosquito females usually lay eggs in the water. Therefore, it is enough to periodically add and replace water, disposing of caught insects.
  • Electric traps they destroy mosquitoes with an ultraviolet lamp, to the light and heat of which they flock. It is equipped with a built-in grid, to which voltage is applied. As soon as the insect touches it, it dies from the discharge of electric current.
  • Propane trap is designed exclusively for the street. It works by emitting CO2 and special baits that mimic the smell of human sweat. One of such devices is device Komaram no KRN-5000 turbo PRO.

Many craftsmen make mosquito traps yourselfusing plastic bottles or paper soaked in a mixture of rosin, linseed oil and honey. Safety and accessibility are the main advantages of such devices.

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