Rat poison
- Rat poison
- Poison for rats
- Poison poisoning
Rat poison is one of the most convenient, effective remedies for large, small rodents. It is used indoors, outdoors. The use of a poisonous drug involves compliance with safety measures. As not only pests can be poisoned, but also domestic animals, man.
Features of the drug
Before using poison for rodents, it is necessary to understand how rat poison acts when pests die after eating the bait.
Rat poisons are divided into several groups.
- With instant acute action. The rodent dies almost in place when a toxic substance enters the stomach. This group includes poison for rats with a mummifying action. Their feature is the presence of special substances in the composition that start the process of mummification after the death of a rodent. There is no unpleasant smell of decay, decomposition. The body simply dries out slowly.
- With prolonged, chronic action. The rodent lives under the influence of a poisonous substance for 1 to 2 weeks. It depends on the concentration of a poisonous substance in the body. This group includes anticoagulants. Active substances affect the circulatory system, violate the process of clotting. Animals die from heavy internal bleeding.
Each poison has its own characteristics of action. Some substances disrupt the digestive system, others block breathing, others affect the nervous system, driving the rodent crazy.
Appearance of poison for rodents
What rat poison looks like is known by people who periodically or constantly deal with pests. The rest of the population has no idea about the appearance of the poison.
The toxic substance is released in the form of powder, small granules. It is realized in a loose form, pressed - tablets, briquettes. Rat poison is produced without smell or with the addition of flavors to attract the attention of rodents. Color may be different.
On a note!
The texture of the drug allows you to use it in 2 versions - scatter on the floor surface, mix in the bait, lay out in its original form. Rodents are poisoned when eating the bait, trying to clean the legs, tummy from pollution.
Scattered powder, incomprehensible granules, strange tablets can be poison for rodents. You must be vigilant, do not touch your hands, do not taste.
Features of the composition
There are several groups of toxic drugs. The composition of rat poison determines the action of the agent.
- The first drugs for the destruction of rats were produced on the basis of arsenic, strychnine, lead, yellow or white phosphorus, thallium sulfate. The active ingredients have a fast action, cause terrible food poisoning, severe intoxication. It is enough for an animal to try bait to get a lethal dose.After some time, the production of such types of rat poisons was stopped, referring to a serious danger to human health and other animals.
On a note!
Despite the prohibition of specialists, people continue to use potent substances in everyday life for the destruction of rodents. Endangering their own health and the lives of others.
- The next generation of drugs for the destruction of rats are Brodifacum, Diphenacum, Flocusafen, Bromadiolone with active ingredients with the same name. These toxic agents include poison rat death. A special place is occupied by the drug Krysid on the basis of zinc phosphide. As well as the poison with sodium silicofluoride in the composition, glyphtor, glomourite. Drugs quickly destroy rodents, not dangerous for humans, subject to instructions, safety rules.
- Preparations with a cumulative prolonged action are called the means of a new generation of rodents. Rat poison disrupts the circulatory system, promotes coagulation, causes internal hemorrhage. Symptoms of intoxication are present, but to a small extent. Zoocoumarins act as an active substance.The most famous drugs - Ratindal, Warfarin, Izoindan, Ethylphenacin.
On a note!
Rats, when using anticoagulants, do not understand where the danger is coming from, continue to eat bait with poison. After about a week, an internal hemorrhage occurs. There is a significant drawback - in rodents zoocoumarins gradually develop immunity.
Human hazard
Whether rat poison is dangerous to humans depends on several factors. The consequences are different - from mild malaise to death. The result is affected by:
- active component of rat poison;
- human health;
- age;
- dose of poison that entered the body;
- liver activity.
When working with a poison it is necessary to observe security measures - use rubber gloves, do not smoke, do not eat food, do not touch your face with your hands. After completing the procedure, discard the gloves, wash your hands with soap and water.
Poisoning by rat human poison occurs when poison enters the stomach. Symptoms depend on the action of the active ingredient. Severe intoxication with dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness when using the drug with an instant effect.Slow deterioration of health from anticoagulants.
Rat poison can be poisoned accidentally or deliberately. The first case occurs when poisoning is eaten by young children, the second - if an adult wants to commit suicide. The lethal dose when using drugs of instant action 300 mg per 1 kg of body weight, prolonged - about 60 mg.
With a small dose of poison in case of accidental contact with her stomach, the liver is able to cope. The body removes toxins, breaks down hazardous compounds, produces substances as opposed to anticoagulants. If there are liver diseases, the body is weakened, the consequences are tragic.
The probability of a lethal outcome increases with the use of prohibited drugs of the first generation, non-compliance with safety rules. It is necessary to place rat poison in hard-to-reach places for small children and pets. To reduce the risk of poisoning to a minimum, it is recommended to call specialized services for the destruction of rats.
Symptoms of poisoning
Appear after getting poison in the stomach for 30 minutes or for 3 days.
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- abdominal pain;
- upset stool;
- headache;
- loss of consciousness;
- pale skin;
- the blueness of the lips;
- general weakness;
- lowering blood pressure;
- nasal bleeding, blood particles in urine, feces, on the gums;
- tachycardia.
The list is not complete. Symptoms of human poisoning depend on the general state of health of the age. More pronounced in children, people with chronic diseases, in old age.
What to do if poisoned rat poison:
- It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, then proceed to emergency action.
- Perform a gastric lavage. Drink 0.5-1.5 liters of warm water, cause vomiting, irritation of the tongue. This must be done up to 3 times.
- If the poison had time to enter the intestine, drink activated charcoal. Dosage depends on body weight - 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. For the fastest action, the tablet is pre-crushed.
- For dizziness, severe weakness, ensure fresh air is supplied to the lungs, use ammonia, and validol under the tongue.
Treatment of patients with the use of rat poison is carried out in a hospital. Specific antidotes to anticoagulants are vitamin K analogues.Within 15 days enter Fitmenadione, Vikasol.
The use of rat poison requires compliance with safety regulations. It is necessary to place the poison in hard-to-reach places, to store on the upper shelves so that children and pets do not get. Fight rats in a private house or flat with the help of poisons should be with caution. If there are signs of poisoning, do not self-medicate.