What smell are afraid flies and mosquitoes

It is impossible to get rid of flies completely, but plants and essential oils will help reduce their number. What smell frightens flies, checked by experts in the laboratory, as well as ordinary inhabitants of our planet. Insects in their activities are guided by smell, some flavors clog up spiracles, prevent to orient in space.

What smell are afraid of the fly

Insects live in conditions where the pathogenic microflora is full, the smell is not pleasant. Flies fly to the sweet, sour smell, the unpleasant stench of a garbage can, cesspools, drains, feces. They do not tolerate the smell is quite pleasant for humans - some flowers, plants, as well as essential oils.

Plants from flies used fresh, dry, cook broths, squeeze the juice. Repellents are hung from the ceiling, placed on windowsills, wiped with window frames, doorways. Planted vegetation near the house, near the windows.

Plants that scare away flies in the country, in a private house

To protect the room from annoying insects in the private sector, in the country, you need to plant a walnut tree near the windows or along the perimeter of the plot. In the countries of the Caucasus, gazebos are made under it, resting areas, quietly spend time. From the leaves of the walnut prepare a decoction, wipe the frame. Flies do not fly into the house even with the windows open.

Plants that scare away flies in the country, in a private house
Plants that scare away flies in the country, in a private house

Flies do not like the smell of elderberry black. Especially effective during flowering. Bush should be planted near the house. The plant scares not only flies, mosquitoes, but also bedbugs, rodents.Bundles are hung in the house, placed at the corners in the outbuildings. The plant is toxic, so you need to work with it with gloves, not to use it in the bedroom. An excellent deterrent for insects outside.

Tansy secretes a substance that paralyzes the nervous system, causing muscle paralysis. The house is placed bunches of fresh grass or powdered dry powder.

On a note!

Tansy from flies is also used to protect fresh meat - sprinkled with powder on top, the female will not be able to lay eggs. However, we must remember that the plant is poisonous, if you overdo it with the dosage, smell, causes a headache, dizziness, nausea in a person. Wormwood has a similar property.

Jasmine will be a wonderful decoration of the dacha, will fill the house with a pleasant aroma, will smell at a great distance, scare away annoying parasites. Fragrant bouquet in the house - the best protection.

From flies in the country helps:

  • wild rosemary;
  • bird highlander;
  • mytnik marsh;
  • horse chestnut;
  • ivy;
  • Rowan;
  • thuja;
  • juniper.

Smells are used both indoors and out.

Scare away the pests in the apartment

Plants for scaring flies in the apartment
Plants for scaring flies in the apartment

Plants that effectively repel pests, have a beneficial effect on humans, calm the nervous system or improve overall health.

  • Bay leaf. From flies in the apartment lay out the leaves on the windowsills, near the doorways. Prepare a cool broth, wipe the frame, if necessary floors. Studies were conducted under laboratory conditions, as a result of which the flies died 2 minutes after inhalation of the laurel scent. It is impossible to make an insect breathe in natural conditions for so long, but you can quickly scare them away.
  • Geranium. Flowers from flies adorn the interior of the apartment, expelling parasites. Flowers, leaves emit a substance that disrupts the functioning of the central nervous system, interferes with orientation in space. The same effect against flies and mosquitoes has the fragrance of cloves.
  • Aloe juice Diluted with hot water, use a solution to wipe windowsills, window frames, doorways. The tool helps to repel existing pests, drive away new ones.
  • Peppermint. The plant from flies is used fresh, dry, as part of a decoction. Lay out bouquets on the windowsills, in the corners of the apartment. Broth wipe windowsills.Peppermint has a beneficial effect on the person, calms. This folk remedy is allowed to use in the nursery, bedroom. Similarly, lemon balm acts. The plant can be planted in a pot, put in the kitchen, in any room.
  • Basil. The plant grows well at home on the windowsill, on the land. Also laid out bouquets of fresh grass.

The grass from flies protects the apartment, the house, while the smell is present, for convenience and increase of efficiency often use hoods. Dripping on the window sill, the lamp light, added to the water. Mortar washed floors, wipe the window sills, if necessary furniture. Effective essential oils from flies - lavender, geranium, lemongrass, mint, lemon balm, rosemary, camomile, basil.


Not only frightens off, but also kills the red fly agaric. Use a mushroom in different ways. Cut into slices, poured over jam, honey, put a treat in the places of insects. Dry powdered mushroom powder, mixed with sugar. The application requires caution, it is not recommended to use in a residential apartment, but it can use on the summer cottage to get rid of flies.

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