How to deal with dvuvostokami in a private house and garden

Many people had to come across night dwellers in a garden, a vegetable garden, a private house, and even in an apartment in a high-rise building. Usually uninvited guests appear in rooms with high humidity. We are talking about dvukhvotkah - harmful insects, damaging plants, fruits and vegetables. Especially a lot of trouble and anxiety causes a large accumulationpests. How to get rid of dvuvostok in a private house or garden, you will learn from this article.

Pest description

Before talking about the fight against a garden pest, it is necessary to clarify the features of its appearance. Photos and description of the insect are presented below.

Dvuvostok appearance
Dvuvostok appearance


  • Dvukhvostami called small insects whose body length ranges from 2 to 5 mm. However, larger specimens can be found, reaching up to 50 mm.
  • The segmented abdomen does not have pigmentation.
  • Also, the arthropods belonging to the order of the subclinical hexapods lack eyes. Their function is replaced by a long sensitive mustache.

The main feature of the dvuvostok is claw-like outgrowths located on the last link of the insect's body. Outwardly, they are very similar to the forceps, because of what insects are called tweezers.

On a note!

Dvuhvostok very often confused with earwigs - representatives of the order of the leather-winged. However, these individuals are much larger and have a darker color.

Causes of

The question of where dvuvostok come from, puzzled those who once found two-tailed creatures in his house.The pest can be found in the kitchen and in the bathroom, in the cellar or shed. All these rooms are distinguished by high humidity and the availability of available nutrients.

Insects can enter the home:

  • together with fruits and vegetables brought from the market;
  • through various cracks and cracks;
  • through open doors and windows.

Even more often, menacing forms of creation appear, in greenhouses, on garden plots and kitchen gardens. There they live under a pile of fallen leaves, as well as in wet pits or lowlands.


If you do not take timely measures, it will be very difficult to withdraw the dvuvostok very soon. After all, from one egg laying up to fifty larvae can appear.


Are tweezers dangerous

Many are concerned about the danger of pinching. Besides the fact that arthropods cause damage to garden crops, their appearance in the house increases the likelihood of the spread of infectious microorganisms. In addition, the two-tailed creatures bite quite painfully. What causes the damaged area to itch, blush and swell. This can cause fluid-filled blisters, on the site of which, non-healing ulcers subsequently form.Therefore, the presence of pests in a house or apartment is simply unacceptable.


There is also a mass of horror stories that prophesy that a double-sided can sneak into a person’s ear and damage the eardrum. Such cases cannot be ruled out, but the probability of their occurrence is not higher than the penetration of other insects, such as earwig in ear.

How to fight

You can fight dvuvostokami in a private house in various ways.


If dvuvostki appeared in the house, then the first thing to do - is to examine the dwelling for dampness. Carefully inspect and ventilate wet places, getting rid of the source of moisture.

Timely weeding of beds will help to destroy dvukhvostok at the dacha. To destroy underground labyrinths and nests of arthropods can deeply dig the soil in the fall.


You can bring dvuvostok using traps. It is enough to take pieces of unnecessary rags, wet them abundantly and spread them out in the places of appearance of two-tailed pests. Dampness and darkness will create favorable conditions that arthropods will definitely take advantage of. Having found an insect in a trap, it is necessary to pour boiling water over it.

Recipes from the people

Pest control
Pest control

You can get rid of dvuvostok in the apartment and folk remedies, which are the safest.

  • Boric acid. To poison unwanted guests in the house capable boric powder. It is mixed with yolk. From the resulting mass form small balls, which are laid out in different corners of the house. Insects will disappear after a few days.
  • Herbs. Wormwood, mint, lavender, yarrow or tansy - something that dvukhvosti are afraid of. The aroma of these herbs has repellent properties, scaring off pests. Dried or fresh plants laid out around the house to get rid of uninvited guests.
  • Referring to the reviews of experienced gardeners, a decoction of the above herbs is also used to prepare a solution with which you can get rid of dvuvostok in the garden without harm to the crop. Such a tool will have a long-term effect if you add to it rubbed soap or laundry detergent.

When planting crops in the garden, it is advisable to plant basil nearby, the smell of which has the same scaring effect.

Onion and garlic

To get rid of woodlice and dvuhvostok in the house is capable of a decoction of garlic and onions. Taken in equal quantities, the ingredients are crushed to obtain a mushy mass. The resulting mixture is applied in places of occurrence of pests. To achieve the maximum effect should be repeated processing.

On a note!

Garlic-onion mixture is not intended for long-term storage. After a day, it loses its properties.

No less effective will be the fight against dvuvoskami with garlic-onion infusion. 100 g of finely chopped burning components pour 0.5 liters of boiled water and draw for a day.

Toxic chemicals

Chemicals can not be called safe. They help to quickly get rid of pests due to the presence in its composition of insecticidal components. Therefore, toxic chemicals are used when there are too many insects in the house:

  • Chalk Masha - the most affordable remedy for dvuhvostok in the house. The poison is used for processing panels, baseboards, sills and window sills, which limits the access of insects to the room. Chalky House, Nika and Titanic have similar properties.
  • It is possible to poison dvuvostok and ordinary aerosols such as Dichlorvos or Raptor. However, the use of such means requires the use of personal protective equipment. It is also unacceptable to find children and pets at the time of processing the room.
  • Destroying dvuvostok in the garden will help the treatment of plants with insecticidal drugs such as Iskra or Intavir.

If the application of the methods described above failed to get rid of two-tailed pests, you should use the services of a disinsection service, whose staff use professional preparations to combat harmful insects.

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