What if a bee bit into the eye and it swelled

How to remove the tumor, if the bee bit into the eye, there is a certain mechanism of action. But how to behave in a similar situation, what to do depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Some people bite causes minor pain, swelling, but passes after a few days without special treatment. Others have the strongest allergic reactionlife threatening.

First aid

What to do if the bee has bitten in the eye, experts recommend initially pull out sting. The bee leaves him with every bite, she soon dies. We must act carefully, because there is a capsule with poison at the tip, if it is damaged or left half the sting inside, complications arise, and surgical intervention is required.


Pull out the sting need tweezers. It should be well grasped at the base, gently pull up. As soon as the sting is removed, the victim will immediately feel relief.

Further actions depend on the general well-being of a person: heal himself or seek help from a specialist, call an ambulance.

Bee sting in the eye
Bee sting in the eye

Action algorithm

Whether he is bitten allergic or not, he should drink an antihistamine. In most cases, use L-tset, Diazolin, Eden. The pill will stop the allergic reaction, help to avoid complications.

The standard situation is when the bee bites the eyes. In the blood enters the poisonous substance that causes swelling, pain, burning, redness. It can swell not only the eye, but the whole face. This is the most innocent thing that can be. A bite near the eye increases the risk of laryngeal edema,anaphylactic shock, so you need to act quickly.

  • A compress with cold water and ice cubes should be applied to the eye. Cold relieves pain, reduces swelling, constricts blood vessels, prevents the spread of poison throughout the body.
  • After a few minutes, replace the cold compress with a cotton swab with disinfectant. The wound should be treated. Medical alcohol, any alcohol tincture, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia are used for this purpose. If nothing from this list is present, prepare a soda solution. In a glass of water, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda, salt, mix, moisten the bandage, apply to the affected place.
  • The victim should be given to drink green tea or mineral water. This is necessary to stop the effect of the poison.
  • Near the swollen place is allowed to put a sheet of plantain, aloe juice, a compress of calendula.

Such actions will help to quickly remove the swelling of a bee sting in the eye, if the situation is not complicated by a strong allergic reaction. Every day should be applied cold compresses, swelling will literally come off in 2 days.

Bee sting treatment
Bee sting treatment

Actions for severe allergies

If the bee has bitten under the eye, a strong reaction has begun, you need to call an ambulance or go to the hospital with your own transport. Before providing medical care, you must:

  1. Pull out the sting.
  2. Disinfect with disinfectant.
  3. Apply antiallergic ointment around the bite site - Fenistil, Menovazin, Akriderm, Advantan, Hydrocortisone ointment.
  4. Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling.
  5. Give a drink antihistamine.
  6. To relieve swelling, inflammation after an insect bite, a specialist prescribes Prednisolone ointment.

If the bee stings into the eye, there is difficulty breathing, 2 tablets of Dimedrol are given to the injured. This tool supports the heart, relaxes muscles, helps normalize blood pressure, relieves swelling.

Regardless of whether the bee bit into the eyelid or the eye itself, you need to see a specialist. If the bee bit the little baby, hesitate to visit the doctor can not. Predict how the body will behave difficult, even if the bees have repeatedly bitten before. The effects of bee venom after a bite are different.

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