Can wasps see, sleep or fly at night

Hardworking insects spend their days at work. Each of them has certain responsibilities that they successfully cope with. Meet wasp in the warm afternoon it is possible everywhere - in the garden, in the meadow, in the vegetable garden, in the park, in the market where fruit is sold. In the dark, the life of an insect is hidden from human eyes, many people are interested in wasps sleeping at night.

Wasp eye model

Scientists managed to construct an optical device that repeats the ability of the eye of a wasp. This is a system with a viewing degree of 280 degrees.Specialists plan to install a unique device on aircraft, military equipment, robots for various purposes.


In the scheme, German scientists have provided two optical trajectories. The upper part of the camera is convex, forms a picture by hitting the rays, the central camera collects the rays with the help of lenses. The camera provides shooting at up to 80 frames per second. The resulting frames are then analyzed by the system, collected in a single unit.


The design is at the stage of improvement. Experts plan to repeat exactly the model of the eye of the wasp. Insects have 3 photoreceptors - near ultraviolet, blue, green color, allowing to see at relatively long distances. The wasp quickly catches the movement thanks to the flickering light.

Eye structure

On the head of a wasp there are 5 eyes, 3 of them are simple, they look like a human organ, it even has a pupil, 2 are complex, faceted, the possibilities of which scientists are trying to repeat.

Complicated eyes are clearly visible on the head of a wasp. They are located on the sides, large size. The structure of the eye consists of the smallest branches - grids.Experts have about 6 thousand of them. Each such cell has a complex structure, capable of capturing an image. As a result, visual information is collected in a single picture. However, the wasp continues to see the image divided into many cells.

Such a vision is called mosaic. Excellent visual tool for monitoring moving subjects. Light radiation is perceived alternately, which allows you to clearly see the picture in flight. In the photo below, the approximate perception of the picture wasp.

Wasp Visual Aid
Wasp Visual Aid

Three simple eyes are placed on the head from the front. They are not able to perceive the picture, only catch the light, darkness. Simple eyes complement the faceted, allow to see insects in different directions. Now you can easily answer the question of whether wasps are seen at night.

On a note!

Insects capture the vibrations of light, but their eyes are not able to assemble the picture into one. They practically see nothing in the dark, therefore they are looking for a place to sleep.

Do wasps fly at night

Happy lead an active lifestyle - build a nest, look for food, guard the hive, feed offspring, care for womb. What happens to them at night depends to a certain extent on the variety.

Public, paper at dusk they return to the nest. In the late evening it is difficult to see them on the street. Inside the nest at night, they continue to work. They form honeycombs, sort the food that they managed to pick up in a day, feed the larvae, scavenge the litter.


Early in the morning, with the first rays of the sun, a swarm of wasps gets out, scatters in different directions. The movement during the day may not be as active, but in the evening the whole family will be assembled again. Whether wasps fly at night - physiologically they can fly a certain distance, but there is no need to do that. As soon as it gets dark, go to the nest or look for a convenient place. You can spend the night among the fields on plants, tree bark, wooden extensions.


Representatives of the family that did not have time to fly to the nest, looking for a place to wait for the night. Just like single wasps. Hiding in flowers, especially love the thistle. They cling to paws, jaws, stay in this position until the first sun rays. Whether wasps are sleeping remains a mystery. Experts say that wasps in the dark at night just sit, wait for the light.

Another reason why the representatives of the aspen family do not fly in the dark is insects hiding at night, and they are potential victims, many flowers are closing where insects extract pollen.

Is it possible to meet a wasp at night

It is almost impossible to notice an insect in the dark outside, but in the verandah, gazebo, on the terrace you can. Insects are attracted to the light; they are approaching a place that is favorable to them. However, the activity of the wasp is at a low level, it crawls more often, sits without movement, does not fly. At night, she is not even in a hurry to attack when she is in danger.

This behavior confirms once more that insects see extremely badly at night. For this reason do not fly. They continue to live in the hive or wait in the morning.

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