How to get rid of basement fleas in the apartment

For an urban person, meeting with blood-sucking parasites is far from uncommon. Almost any resident of the metropolis can detect fleas in the basement of an apartment building. But not every citizen knows how serious the danger of these insects are, many do not even know what the basement fleas look like in a house.

These parasites have increased resistance to adverse factors and the speed of reproduction. Blood-sucking insects parasitize on warm-blooded animals and gladly inhabit any room where there is an abundant food resource. It takes very little time for fleas to settle in human housing. But to bring the basement fleas out of the apartment, the basement is a difficult task, although it is doable.

Distinctive features, habitat

The basement fleas in the photo are presented below - these are very small insects that do not have wings. Their size reaches from 0.5 to 4 mm in length. Often, basement fleas are called earthen fleas for their favorite habit of settling in heaps of garbage, dust, cracks, underground communication and ventilation ducts.

Flea eggs and larvae
Flea eggs and larvae

These parasites are very short life cycle, therefore, they have increased adaptability to adverse living conditions. Basement fleas are the common name for all wingless insects that parasitize domestic animals, small rodents - inhabitants of slums and sewage mines.


Before poisoning fleas in the basement of a dwelling house, you need to make sure that there are no unauthorized persons.

Basement fleas penetrate the apartment through cracks in the walls, ventilation ducts, through small rodents or domestic animals, walking on the street. Insects trapped in an apartment very quickly find quiet inconspicuous places to lay eggs.


The centers of distribution of basement fleas in the apartment are damp and warm unventilated corners, spaces under the baseboards and furniture, bedding of cats or dogs.

Under flat conditions, eggs quickly mature and soon the larvae hatch into the light. Flea larvae feed on decaying debris, animal dander, or particles of excrement. After pupation, the pest finds a warm-blooded victim for constant nutrition.

Mice homeless cats, people, especially those without a certain place of residence are the most frequent inhabitants of uncontrolled abandoned basements, attics, therefore they are the first victims of basement parasites. Basement fleas eat not only at the expense of animals, they are suitable for any warm-blooded carrier, including man.

Fleas victims
Fleas victims

On a note!

Many fleas do not live permanently on the skin of the wearer, they use the host only in order to be filled with blood, and later leave it in search of new breeding and breeding sites.

Fleas in the larvae stage are not susceptible to temperature fluctuations, they can be in a frozen state for a long time and wait for favorable conditions. After pupation, they penetrate through small cracks from the lower floors and basements of the structure to the upper floors, gradually expanding the habitat.

Have a flea no wings, but they have an excellent ability to jump long distances and cling with their jointed legs to the body of the victim. The hind limbs of the parasites are unusually strongly developed, which allows them to push off from the surface and overcome the distance of up to one and a half meters, and the fore limbs are equipped with sharp grips that help to hold onto the clothes of humans or mammals. Animals or people become not only a food link, but also a means of transport. In this way, fleas are settled from the basement in the apartment.

Danger to humans and animals

Most people are mistaken, considering fleas safe for humans. Parasites can not cause damage to human health by drinking his blood. But the main danger bloodsucking insects are not in the way of nutrition, but in the spread of infection and the ability to cause allergic complications. During bites, insects inject an enzyme into the body of the victim that prevents blood from clotting in the wound. The danger is that an alien protein that enters the wound causes stylish allergic reactions and can lead to loss of consciousness and respiratory failure.

Flea bites-1
Flea bites

On the claws and the body of insects there is a large number of bacteria and helminth eggs, therefore infections or microscopic larvae of tapeworms often get wounds, and this has serious health consequences.

The effects of the bite:

  • heat in the body;
  • itching on the skin;
  • rashes and inflammations;
  • headache and nervous disorders;
  • heaviness in the chest, trouble breathing;
  • diarrhea;
  • stomach cramps.
Flea bites
Flea bites

Bites of any basement flea extremely dangerous. Arthropods are carriers of dangerous epidemics. Among the many flea-borne infections, the most deadly is the stick of the plague.This lethal infection causes epidemics with a survival rate of less than 10%. In Europe, the facts are recorded when it was the parasites that caused the extinction of entire cities.

Besides plague, ectoparasites cause the spread of other infections:

  • salmonellosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • tularemia;
  • typhoid fever;
  • anthrax.

For domestic animals, parasites are not only annoying anxiety, but also a threat to life. Insects carry eggs of worms and spread them over the skin and coat of the host. When combing bites, animals infect themselves with helminths, tapeworm larvae and chains.

After the incubation period, the behavior of pets changes greatly, they become restless and often lose weight. In the future, the disease can lead to severe exhaustion and death of the animal.

Methods of dealing with basement fleas

It is almost impossible to get rid of fleas in the basement forever and destroy them. But you can create intolerable living conditions for them, and they will prefer another apartment or house. If insects are terrorizing the whole house, then you need to know where to turn.Specialized services to combat insects are in most cities, and not only in such cities, as Moscow. Specialists from such services know how to remove fleas from the basement, cellar and how to get rid of basement fleas in the apartment.

Basement processing
Basement processing

If the parasites have spread in small locations, then you can try to cope with them yourself with the help of modern chemicals or resort to popular methods. But it is necessary to act in a comprehensive manner, solitary events will look ineffective and harm to arthropods in the basement will not bring.

Quite effective drugs are:

  • Dichlorvos (100 rub.) - modern Dichlorvos is not as poisonous as its predecessor, but it is effective against adult individuals of basement fleas;
  • Combat (300 rubles) - a complex drug for the destruction of any parasites;
  • Delta Zone (600 rubles) - contains deltamethrin, which affects the nervous system of insects and causes their paralysis and death, retains a long-term effect;
  • Pyrethrum (400 rub.) - dust of plant origin, an effective remedy against the larvae. Treating a flea basement with a drug reduces the likelihood of re-infection;
  • Zifox (300 rub.) - an odorless drug that has a long exposure time, is suitable for preventive sanitary measures. A very powerful remedy for basement fleas;
    Means Tsifoks
    Means Tsifoks
  • A ram (400 rubles) - a highly potent synthetic insecticide destroys all types of ectoparasites, their larvae and eggs, helps to get rid of fleas in an apartment;
  • Raid;
  • Raptor;
  • Clean house;
  • Butox 50;
  • Stronghold (450 rub.) - drops on withers for pets are intended to process cats and dogs, but are suitable even for decorative rodents and birds.

In order to avoid secondary infection, complex treatment of basements and cellars from fleas with insecticides, as well as disinsection of attics and common areas is required. In apartment buildings, it is desirable to process the entire entrances, as fleas easily move between floors.


Among the primary measures required to carry out the destruction of small rodents in basements, attics and chutes. Otherwise, mice once again become carriers of fleas and the effectiveness of prevention will be reduced to zero. It is very important to treat fleas for all pets and even decorative birds,completely replace their mats and insides of houses.

For dogs and cats it is recommended to purchase drops:

For pets get special flea and tick dog collars and feline parasites.

To increase efficiency, you can use folk methods:

  • hanging in the apartment and in the basement of the bushes of wormwood and tansy;
  • flea treatment in the basement walls and floor tincture of wormwood.

If the parasite has bitten a person, then the inflamed area must be immediately sanitized. For this fit:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • brilliant green solution;
  • iodine alcohol solution;
  • alcohol-based lotions.

If the wound is treated with a disinfectant, it will help stop the spread of the infection. If an allergic reaction is suspected, an antihistamine is given. If fever or threat of angioedema should immediately call a doctor.

Destroying fleas in the basement is no easy task. But it is important to understand that the elimination of a favorable environment in the habitats of the parasites and the maintenance of sanitary conditions in good condition are the main factorsmechanisms in the fight against basement fleas.

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