Barrier protection against bedbugs

Any kind of insect pests creates trouble for the inhabitants of the home. No exception and bed bugs. Their bites deliver not only discomfort to a person, but can also cause allergic reaction and even infection. Therefore, it is important to choose effective drug for the destruction of bedbugs, because in the opposite case, the situation will only worsen. You should also take into account the fact that parasites are able to quickly get used to one or another insecticidal component. Therefore, it is useful to know what should be the barrier against bedbugs.

Knowing what a barrier protection against bedbugs is, you will be able to avoid the appearance and the more spread of parasites in the house. This concept implies a set of measures aimed at preventing the ingress of pests into an apartment. To limit the penetration of bedbugs in the room in various ways.

Folk methods

This is perhaps the most harmless protective barrier to human health:

Folk methods
Folk methods
  1. Acetic Essence. Her smell is very afraid of bedbugs. It is enough to treat the furniture with the tool, and the parasites in it will definitely not be started.
  2. Kerosene and turpentine have similar properties.
  3. Effective in fight against bedbugs sagebrush. This plant has repelled pests even our grandmothers. Apartment with a smell wormwood, will not become a habitat for bloodsuckers.
  4. The valerian tincture also has a repellent effect.It is enough to treat the sleeping area (bed, linoleum, window sill, heating radiators) and insects will not disturb you.

Electric barriers

There are also electric barriers for bedbugs. Such scarer-fumigators have become very popular among consumers today, since they have a lot of advantages:

  • security;
  • long service life;
  • simple application;
  • affordable cost.

Electric barriers are of the following types:

  • Electromagnetic devices. They give out high-frequency waves that cause disturbances of nerve impulses in parasites, the consequence of which is their death.
  • Ultrasound devices. Bed bugs do not like their high-frequency sound, as a result of which parasites tend to leave the room faster. However, not all reviews of bed bug barriers of this type are positive due to the low performance of such devices.
  • Aromafumigators - according to consumer reviews, these are the most effective devices for protecting an apartment from bedbugs. They are electrical appliances that, when heated, emit an odor that repels insects.
Akvafumigator Raptor
Akvafumigator Raptor

Chemical protection

One of the most effective ways to protect against bedbugs are chemicals that contain insecticidal components. They also produce barrier treatment for bedbugs in the mass distribution of insects. Chemicals can be in the form of concentrates, aerosols, gels or Dustov.

Well proven concentrates Executioner or Averfos. To prepare the solution, the emulsion is diluted with water in the proportion specified in the description. After that, they treat the apartment, paying particular attention to places of greatest insect accumulation. In case of excessive contamination of the room, all surfaces are subject to treatment.

Insecticides in aerosol form are also intended for the treatment of infected apartments. An example of an aerosol can be Malathion, Dichlorvos. Its uniqueness lies in the inability of the parasites to produce immunity to the drug. No less effective is Kombat aerosol.

Effective means of dealing with bloodsuckers are gels. It is especially convenient to use them for families with children. Gel Barrier from bedbugs, Globol, gained great popularity Blockbuster, Forsythe or Absolute. Insecticidal means is applied on paper strips which are laid out in habitats or on the route of insects.

In the future, the powdered insecticides, which, like concentrates, are diluted with water, can also relieve and protect the apartment from bloodsuckers (the ratio of the components is indicated in the instructions). Particularly popular antiparasitic drugs of the following brands: Raptor, Fufanon, Tetrix or chlorophos.

Tetriks from bedbugs
Tetriks from bedbugs

These drugs vary in price. They can be purchased at specialized stores in Moscow or ordered online. But whichever barrier remedy for bed bugs you prefer, it is important to adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Professional processing and protection

If to achieve the maximum result of self-treatment, it is not possible to better use the services of specialists destruction of bugs with a guarantee. The principle of their work is based on the use of two main methods of extermination of parasites: cold and hot fog.

Cold fog and barrier protection

This processing technology makes it possible to break down chemical preparations into microparticles, which cannot be achieved with any sprayer. It is thanks to this feature that insecticidal components penetrate even the most inaccessible places. As a result cold mist treatments the maximum surface area in the apartment becomes covered with antiparasitic agent. Insecticide will work even if the bug for one reason or another managed to survive the process of treatment. After all, he becomes a distributor of poison, infecting more and more of his fellows.

After processing, it is desirable to establish barrier protection. As a rule, these are special barrier gels that are applied around the perimeter of the entire apartment.

Hot mist and barrier protection

Hot and cold mist processing
Hot and cold mist processing

This method of barrier treatment differs from the previous one using a highly toxic substance resembling a gas. Whereby hot fog seeps into all hard-to-reach gaps, cracks, air ducts and risers. As a result, the bugs are waiting for imminent death. For maximum effect, the treated room is left closed for at least 2 hours.After that, it is thoroughly ventilated and wet-cleaned.

To eliminate the possibility of reuse bedbug infiltration from neighbors or from the basement, experts recommend a gel barrier treatment.

Now you know what a bed bug is, its variations and methods of application. Using this method of protection, the chances of parasites appear in your apartment will not remain.

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Bed bugs

