How to deal with flies in flower pots

Flower flies - The generic name of several pests that plague the indoor plants. Insects lay larvae in an earthen mixture, which cause irreparable damage to home greenery. The question of how to get rid of flower black flies worries all amateur florists.

What midges curl in flowerpots

Among the inhabitants of flower pots are the following types of insects:

  1. The most common flies in the pot are white midges, they are also springtails or plows. Accumulation sites are observed on the soil surface.They are distinguished by their activity, jumping ability and microscopic size of 0.3-1 mm. The time of occurrence falls on the winter and spring months, when the evaporation of moisture from the soil is difficult.

    Blackflies in indoor plants
    Blackflies in indoor plants
  2. Sciarides are small black flies. Are brought with the ground. Often their appearance is associated with the use of folk remedies, based on the use of old tea leaves, rotten plant residues. Flower flies in the apartment annoy their presence, fly around the room and fall into the food. A large cluster of larvae in a pot damages the roots of plants and contributes to the compaction of the soil. therefore get rid of sciaride need in the shortest possible time. The larva can be distinguished by its size 2-4 mm and black speck on the head.
  3. The flies in a whitefly flower pot look like an aphid. Settles under the leaves. Color varies from white to yellow.

Quite often, flower flies are fruit flies. This type of small fruit flies is able to build its nests in flowerpots.

Flower flies appear for a number of reasons:

  • penetrate from the street through the open window, the window, when a damp earth is detected, mushroom mosquitoes gladly settle in a pot with a potted plant;
  • flower flies love moisture and waterlogging creates a favorable environment for them;
  • the ground and the ground were not pretreated before planting.

Experienced growers have noticed that not all plants attack the flies in a flower pot and are picky when choosing a flower. Knuckles and ponds better take root near plants with soft leaves. Sciarides prefer to settle near plants with a hard leaf mass. It is recommended to keep the pots where pests are found away from other plants, so as not to infect them.

White fly in flowers
White fly in flowers

Folk methods of pest control in the apartment

Before poisoning pests with industrial preparations, it is worth using folk remedies. Their advantage lies in the safety of use and in the fact that the necessary component to combat pests of indoor plants There is always a home.

The most effective folk remedies for flies in a flower pot:

  1. To get rid of annoying midges, you can use a soap solution. Grate 30g of household soap and dissolve in a liter of warm water.Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and irrigate the plants once every 5-6 days. Application of this means of midges safe for flowers but harmful for pests such as mealybug, scythe.
  2. The flies in the pot start up due to high humidity. To prevent the development of larvae, it is necessary to dry the soil. To do this, it is less likely to water the ground, and apply a small layer of calcined sand or ash on the ground.
  3. Whitefly can be fought with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or mustard. One tablespoon of dry mustard powder diluted with 1 cup of water at room temperature. The resulting solution gently pour the soil, avoiding contact with the leaves. This simple way will help get rid of the whitefly on indoor plants.
  4. To get rid of black flies in room flowers, it is necessary the top layer of soil, infected by the larvae, carefully remove and cover the new one.
  5. Flies in a pot are afraid of sharp smells. The strongest deterrent effect has garlic and citrus. Spread the garlic or orange slices inside the pot or stick it in the ground. You can make an infusion of garlic at the rate of 3 glasses of water per medium-sized head and spray them with a plant.
  6. Use homemade traps for catching midges.To make them, you should take pieces of cardboard, smear them with honey and attach them to the inner surfaces of the pot. Such blackfly trap will attract many pests.
  7. On the edges of the pot to draw a drawing insecticide chalk.

If the fight against flower flies did not succeed, it is worth resorting to industrial preparations. Well proven Aktara, Thunder-2, Basudin.

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